Jenny St. Michel
Well-Known Member

I have 3 Phrags and 2 of them are doing great but my Nichole Tower is having some problems. Below are the details.
Problem: I’ve lost 2 lower leaves and a third is on its way. The symptoms start as yellowing intervenal clorosis. Green veins yellowing leaf, followed by leaf tips that brown until it reaches the stem. The brown leaf tips are dry with a tinge of red. Pics attached. The stem also has purpling. The plant is in flower. There has been 4 flowers. At the moment there is one flower and one bud. All other leaves look good. And roots are good. I can see new root tips growing inside pot. I’m getting nervous cause I’m gonna run out of leaves if this keeps up. I wonder if I should cut the spike??? Advice PLEASE!!!
Growing details: acquired about 3.5 months ago.
Grown indoors in Maine under new 2-T5 HO florescent bulbs. 30ish% humidity. Day temp about 70f night temps 65f.
Grown in mix of lava rock, Med bark,small amount of pro-mix topped dresses with LECA beads. Pour through test was high 6ph. Water daily. I started using Rays regimen about 3 weeks ago. Use k-lite at 1/8 tsp every other watering. Symptoms started before switching to K-lite. I also use the Kelpmax and Inocucor. Also have done two feedings of Epsom salts. Thinking this was a magnesium deficiency. A few days ago I switched to leaving phrag in shallow saucer of water. Sorry for the long message!!!