Pics of Peruvian Central highlands

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Saratoga Region, New York
The trip from Lima to Oxapampa brings you over the Andes at a pass at 15,000 feet. The paved road switch backs through canyons and up and over mountains.
The distance from Lima to Oxapampa is not that long as the crow flies but it takes 14 hours. Above 13,000 feet I started to yawn and feel tired from the thin air. We stopped and had a cup of cocoa tea. The western side is desert I did see a couple of llamas along the road and grabbed a not so good pic from the moving vehicle. At 15,000 feet there is snow seen.
. We had hail in this region on the way home. A restroom stop was needed.

There is rain on the eastern slopes and the first major town we approached was Tarma which can be seen in the distance. Tarma
has flowers as their main crop. We hit other villiages along the way including this mining town. We then entered the higher rain and much more tropical town of San Ramon. In san Ramon, you can find roadside stands, selling collected orchids and bromiliads.
Here I saw Odontoglossum tigrinum
, C.uteola, and , Catt. maxima.
The road to Oxapampa was closed for repairs and we had to wait for it to open at 6pm in this riverside village.

The road was in poor shape and traveling it after dark was dangerous, especially when we hit the traffic from the other direction.

On the way home we took a longer root that took us through Villa Rica, The coffee capital of Peru. There I purchased some coffeee for home. 8 soles for 250 grams (about $2.75 US. We also stopped for a bathroom break in this hotel. On the grounds I took this pic of a catus flower.

Also saw a sunset on the ride back to Lima

Later in the week I will post Oxapampa and jungle pics.