Phrag. pearcei x Sorcerer's Apprentice

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Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
Doesn't appear to be named yet. Do you see pearcei in this???

Incredible photo! I think I have this one...I bought it as Sorcerer's Apprentice but the foliage is quite narrow and not nearly as long and the vendor did have the cross on his list, so, for a change, I am hoping he sent the wrong plant.
Doesn't appear to be named yet. Do you see pearcei in this???

According to my information pearcei var. ecuadorense x Sorcerer's Apprentice was registered 18-Sep-2006 as Phrag. Richard Lemay by Jean-Pierre Faust. Since ecuadorense is regarded as a synonym of pearcei I guess your plant has a name after all. ;).

All the best,

According to my information pearcei var. ecuadorense x Sorcerer's Apprentice was registered 18-Sep-2006 as Phrag. Richard Lemay by Jean-Pierre Faust. Since ecuadorense is regarded as a synonym of pearcei I guess your plant has a name after all. ;).

All the best,

Thanks, Rob. I looked at the info on your site for this hybrid. I had trouble loading it this afternoon, and tonight it says "service not available." But I recall your comment section saying that ecuadorense is an incorrect name for pearcei, and that's why this hybrid should have the name Richard Lemay. But does the RHS recognize this?
The RHS online registration database report pearcei x Sorcerer's Apprentice as being Richard Lemay. They seem to have substituted ecuadorense for pearcei.

About my website. Although I'm not entirely happy with the new hosting service I use because of the more or less forced move last year, lately things seem to be better. What are the experiences of other users of my website? If you want to respond to this question please don't bother the forum with it, but send me a private message or use the e-mail address on my website. Thank you in advance.

Impressive. I have NEVER has a phrag bloom on a single growth and only rarely on a second. Invariably I need three growths before I get a bloom. Paphs bloom for me on a single growth no problem. So although I have 10 BS phrags in theory, in reality, I only have 4! What is the secret to getting blooms with just a single growth? I guess a greenhouse would help.
Impressive. I have NEVER has a phrag bloom on a single growth and only rarely on a second. Invariably I need three growths before I get a bloom. Paphs bloom for me on a single growth no problem. So although I have 10 BS phrags in theory, in reality, I only have 4! What is the secret to getting blooms with just a single growth? I guess a greenhouse would help.

I don't know the secret if there is one, I do have a GH & I don't know that it makes a difference. Most of mine are blooming on 2 or more growths. If buds have blasted on me on a phrag, it's usually been one growth & a small plant at that.
....hmmm what does that tell us?
I do not have a greenhouse. I suspect it has to do with genetics. Some species bloom sooner than others, so that is probably passed onto it's progeny.
For a comparison, here is my Sorcerer's Apprentice X warscewiczianum. Other then the longer petals they look very similar.

That's beautiful! Nice photo, also.

One of the things I noticed about this hybrid is the very different colors of the spots inside the pouch. When I compared it with longifolium and Sorcerer's Apprentice, the spots are larger and with the two different colors. Yours is indeed very similar.

Thank you for taking the time to post a pic of the whole plant. I don't have an answer to your question, but this one does remind me of Phrag. roezlii I saw in flower at Clouds a few months ago.
Thanks Dot,

When I bought it 2 yrs ago, it was blooming on a single growth. It then it put up 2 huge growths and bloomed from both. 3 flowers on ea. The neat thing I notice was the flowers were twice as big as the first blooming (in my mind anyway!) It hasn't spiked yet for this yr but it does have 2 more growth (huge).
