Phrag. Mem Juan Alberto Arias

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Cue fanfare....
Here it is on the first day of opening.
A big dull purple thing at 11.5 cm across.Remember that this is a first flowering seedling. Maybe the petals will grow a bit more and it will look a bit better balanced. it’s definitely different to anything else I have. It contrasts well with all those pink and red besseae hybrids.
I’ll send the pollen off as it could well be that another cross to kovachii would produce the best results. It’s funny how recessive the petal size of kovachii is when matched with schlimii. Maybe other clones would show some variation and bigger petals.
I rather like it!
The velvety pouch is gorgeous and while not huge (first bloom, first day), the flower is very well balanced. I would call it a soft purple (not dull), which is not a common shade among the Phrags.
(I think you may just be a little unenthusiastic because you were thinking/hoping it might be a kovachii.)
I think it's pretty nice. It's clearly at least 3/4 kovachii. It has the kovachii colour break. I love the dark colour and the shape is good. My kovachii opened yesterday at 12.5 cm, so the size is not that small. Is it fragrant?

Where do you send your pollen?
I think it's rather magnificent David and, as you said,
a very nice contrast to add to your collection. I don't
think the color is dull at all...just different. Perhaps
softer is the right word.
Cue fanfare....
Here it is on the first day of opening.
A big dull purple thing at 11.5 cm across.Remember that this is a first flowering seedling. Maybe the petals will grow a bit more and it will look a bit better balanced. it’s definitely different to anything else I have. It contrasts well with all those pink and red besseae hybrids.
I’ll send the pollen off as it could well be that another cross to kovachii would produce the best results. It’s funny how recessive the petal size of kovachii is when matched with schlimii. Maybe other clones would show some variation and bigger petals.
View attachment 18235
View attachment 18236
I would call it “fantastic deep purple.”
Thanks everyone, it is growing on me. Its put on 1.5cm in the past day and is now 13cm across. It’s now looking better balanced. Here is an updated photo and a group shot.
this one has a bit of the late afternoon sun on it so it’s a bit too red.
This next is the group shot. L to R is cardinale, 4n Jason F, 3n Fritz, La Vingtaine and lastly the MJAA. At the back is a big MDC, 6 spikes so far and more to come.