Phrag Alfredo Manrique

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Gilda, I haven't really counted the time the flower holds on, I would "guestimate" three or 4 weeks. There is a bud behind this flower that will bloom once this flower drops.

Eric, Manrique/Decker/Schomberg team made, I believe a total of 12 different crosses initially. Only four hybrids produced enough viable plants to allow for sales. There has been one cross Kovachii x Sedenii that I have great hope for the purple color of kovachii. Take a look at the color of this Sedenii. Pollen from this plant was used in the cross.

Dot, they are at least a year or more from blooming :(

I was fortunate that a piece of the mother plant broke off last year. I added it to my collection :evil: really neat color.
Ron, I have 11 Pk crosses and lines on 2 more. The one I couldn't get from Glen because of limited quantity that I really wanted was the Pk x Hanne Popow. I'll remember to ask Glen about getting the Sedenii also. Thanx.
Dot, they are at least a year or more from blooming :(

I was fortunate that a piece of the mother plant broke off last year. I added it to my collection :evil: really neat color.

Did it have any help?:poke:
Eric and Ron

The PK cross to Hanne Popow is named after my late wife Mariza, so Phrag Mem Mariza Rolando is in the records. I only have one plant. Very few seeds when the hybrid was made. Now Hanne Popows are blooming again and PKs are coming in more numbers of flowers than ever at CJM ( Alfredo M collection). Remember that Alfredo has now 10 legally collected diferent clones to play with... ( after permits number 1 in 2003 and permit number 4 in 2007). That particular cross will be repeated. Please check in the future for PK X Don Wimber. Those seedlings are very strong and fast growers. Will be in bloom probably next year. I strongly recomend to buy some, perhaps for the Redlands CJM will be offering good size seedling (3"-5" leave span).
Have a nice weekend
Thanx Isaias. I was hoping to get some at the GNYOS show but since it is cancelled this year maybe Glen will get some and be the middle man.
Good Luck Eric!
Remember The Redlands Are Time...
Have A Nice Weekend