Parkfest 2013 - Anyone going?

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Would like to... But think have to work unless you would be going around lunchtime. Yesterday I was driving in the rain on nj rt 31 south towards Princeton to donate blood when next thing I knew there was a bridge and toll, and a sign saying 'Pennsylvania' (what??!). Ended up driving through tourist villages along Delaware river until getting to I95 and back into nj. Would have taken longer sadly going back up to where I missed my turn

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I am going but not till sunday morning. If anyone goes I would like to hear opinions of what people think about the new Parkside and new management. Maybe my veiw is tainted because I only know and love it as Parkside run by John and Tom. Which was my first real experience buying orchids in a strickly orchid nursery. Over the years it was one of my top two vendors to go to.
I went there two weeks ago and have to say I was real disappointed. John had a whole house full of paphs and now it is reduced to about half of that. It seemed like they had not got anything new in about a year and a half. Things just didn't look so great. Nobody really said two words to me. I walked in looked around and left. If any of you know Greg that worked there I found out he quit. I hope they make it work and this is just the hard part of the transition.
I'll be working the BCOS booth Sunday afternoon from 1-3, but that's out 38th wedding anniversary, so I had better not dally.
Greg actually grew up in my neighborhood, which is pretty close-knit. His mom and my wife are both physical therapists.

I'm really disappointed that he left, as he was a real "plus" to the organization. I hope this was a positive move for him and not an indicator of economic woes at Parkside.
Extra nice Paph. Vanda M. Pearman

OK, my haul, I got a couple Paphs, Parvis from Piping Rock and Main Street Orchids :D, a Tolumnia hybrid, a phrag flask from Woodstream, Fishing Creek had some nice Habenarias, ericmichaelii, the hybrid with rhodocheila, Tracy, and a new very bright Orange cultivar of rhodocheila. I picked up a Thecostele alata with at least 10 blooming spikes and 6 new growth. (unfortunately with ant guardians also :eek:), and a Brachtia andina to replace the one that got fried in my living room last week!
Thanks for the pics Eric!!!! You are starting doing close-ups now :drool: !! The 'Extra nice Paph. Vanda M. Pearman' is a very cool pic (and bloom of course)!! Jean
Greg actually grew up in my neighborhood, which is pretty close-knit. His mom and my wife are both physical therapists.

I'm really disappointed that he left, as he was a real "plus" to the organization. I hope this was a positive move for him and not an indicator of economic woes at Parkside.

So I heard that Greg left to study music (sounds like a positive move). His replacement is Karl, a really nice guy, and he likes to do edwardian cases/terrariums.