Paphiopedilum micranthum in situ

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2010
Reaction score
After 10 days (photo from March 2015)




Very interesting; but, can you show us the photos not so heavily cropped, as well, please? It'd be nice to actually see the "in-situ" part that is beyond the frame in these photos. That would help a lot in putting the whole scene into context for us. Thanks!
Very interesting; but, can you show us the photos not so heavily cropped, as well, please? It'd be nice to actually see the "in-situ" part that is beyond the frame in these photos. That would help a lot in putting the whole scene into context for us. Thanks!

OK, I will.
The plant looks fairly exposed to the sun light. Are there more plants above this one? Do you think this plant seeded itself there or maybe its a plantlet landed there from above?
Great pictures!
Thank you very much for sharing them. :)

I'm also curious about the growing area there.
Do you remember which side that rock faces? North, east, south?
Any taller trees or just out in the open like it seems to look like in the photos?

Do you know how warm it gets during the day in that area??
Canh, thanks for these lovely photos, they are very impressive.
No, it is about 400km away from my home......
So you live closer to the middle of Vietnam? As far as I know is the natural habitat of P. micranthum only located in the very northwest of the country.
OK, I will.

Thank you! That's exactly what I was hoping you could show us. The close-up photos are great, too, of course. But, it helps so much to see them close-up AND from a bit of a distance. We're very lucky to have you as a member here. Thanks very much for taking the time to share your photos!

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