Paphiopedilum mastersianum (questions...)

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Since quite a long time, I am playing with the idea of getting one or two flasks of any paph species, to grow the seedlings here and then select the best 2 or 3 plants for me... However, never really going for it so far...

now, I have the cahnce to get a flask with around 20 seedlings of different species (different species different flasks, of course!) from a friend of mine... among the posibilities, there is a flask of Paph mastersianum, which is a species I never thought of buying (even though I like the flowrs a lot!) and also have no clue how to grow it...

my problem... googling (and slippertalking :D) about this species, I have found that a lot of records put this species as one of the most difficults to grow and keep alive, while others place it as an easy to grow species.. so, I am confused now :)

Anybody here, who grows this species (especially who has grown seedling) who can provide some feedback and tips?

thanks in advance!
about mastersianum

hi Kavanaru,

Paph. mastersianum comes from the Indonesian island group the Mollucas
and specifically from the 2 island Ceram and Buru they grow from 900 to close
2000 meters and grow for only 6 months in it's growing periods it can take lots
of lo salt fertilizer. it needs plenty of shade
it's not a very fast grower but it's flowers last for nearly 3 months and is
carried on a very long strong and straight inflorescence
it's leaf span can reach up to 2 ft across
I think from flask it should take you minimum of 4 yrs to reach blooming size.
happy orchid growing from Northern Thailand
cliokchi :)
Good luck with them! Anyone know where you can find mastersianum in the states?

You try OL? or Glenn Decker?

I don't recall seeing any on Sam's list lately.

I have a 1/2 dozen or so seedlings I'm raising from a breeding I made with Uri's plant a couple years ago.

They are growing.....slowly.
Thanks @ all...

hhhmmm... not very easy to keep alive and slow growers... notsure whether this is the best species to try :) I thinkI will just leave my friend do the job with his flasks and I buy a nice grown plant from him later on... ;)

I think my decision is then to try a more common species, which I also like... something like henryanum, barbigerum or helenae...
I got my mastersianums from Thanh Nguyen (Springwater Orchids). Its not the easiest paph to grow...but not the hardest either. Its slow, but easy to bloom once its mature. Typical barbata care...shady, warm. I haven't bloomed the ones I have now, but I have bloomed it in the past.
I think then it is better to wait until the plants are a bit "grown up" totry this species then ;) no deflasking experiment in this case by now...

I had a small seedling from Wubben and it took 1 year to die :eek::eek: Jean

:D sorry, I had to laugh with your comment.. :D

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