Paphiopedilum lawrenceanum authentic...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2006
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This plant was the only survivor of a seed capsule sowed about 4 years ago. The seed capsule was a wild one, and I still have the motherplant, that took a while to recover, should bloom this year or next year. The parent was in bloom when I got it with a wild capsule as a bonus on the old growth, though it had pseudomonas all around, hence the only seedling. The flower was a bit over 17cm.

This first bloom seedling is a single growth, about 30cm leafspan, and already 13+cm. The mother plant is again about nearly 60cm leafspan, I am curious to see it in bloom again. Larenceanum comes from Sarawak, just at the border of Brunei and grows along with dendrobium cinnabarinum.

What a huge flower compared to common ones of P. lawrenceanum and also the other mentioned measurements are uncommon ! I'm looking forward to seeing the bloom(s) of the motherplant.
That is a big flower. Is that a lawrenceanum foliage on the picture #2 left side corner.
That is a big flower. Is that a lawrenceanum foliage on the picture #2 left side corner.

Yep, another (very big) lawrenceanum plant, that blooms usually in september, go figure... Next is a wentworth.
Hi Roth,

is it possible to make a close-up from the staminode - and a picture from the leaves?
