dear Roth,
why do you think that the two mentioned fairrieanum at EBay Germany are from same source ?
Well because they come from the same source and same flasks... who sell wholesale as well, like here:
Same plant, same breeding, the potting mix might be changed just before, but, of course, they are the same.... Sometimes they are purchased younger and grown on, rarely recently, but they are the same parents and source.
If we take a more obvious example:
This is of course, an urbanianum primary hybrid, not the pure species, let's say source A
Another urbanianum primary hybrid, let's say source B
There are sources C ( a wholesaler in paphs in Germany) and source D ( a 'Paphiopedilum specialist' in Germany), both exported to the US from Germany. Source E, in Germany as well, sold quite a few too. The 5 sources have different parental names/history for the plants... One point in common, none of them is selling Paphiopedilum urbanianum species as urbanianum, but a hybrid, that is the same in the 5 cases.
So out of these there are 3 options, not 4, but only 3 options:
- Option A : 5 different honest breeders selfed or sibbed a pure, amazing urbanianum, and 5 times, there was a mistake, and 5 times those poor honest persons did make an hybrid by mistake, and the same hybrid! In that case, any of them should play and win the Euromillions lottery.
- Option B: 5 different resellers bought a NoID hybrids as urbanianum from 1 single source, who had a cross of what seems to be a kind of Maudiae x urbanianum. As they did not know until their customers bloomed them, it outed the whole system.
- Option C: 1 breeder made a mistake, and flasks leaked from the contract laboratory to several other growers
After that, it is a matter of belief, or faith, but yep, they are from the same source, there is no discussion or doubt possible about that.