paph. whilmeniae

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
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First bloom, only one flower but there will surely be more next time (that will come soon it grows fast)
I love the dark colors

Beautiful! Aren't the sepals usually fused? I'm not used to seeing them separated on most. It's a very cool bloom! :D
Beautiful! Aren't the sepals usually fused? I'm not used to seeing them separated on most. It's a very cool bloom! :D

A split synsepal is something a bit different too. The colors are very nice in this flower.

What was the source of your plant Paul?
Beautiful! Aren't the sepals usually fused? I'm not used to seeing them separated on most. It's a very cool bloom! :D

A split synsepal is something a bit different too. The colors are very nice in this flower.

What was the source of your plant Paul?

I don't know if the future flowers will have the same synsepal... I think a little cutting when the bud was growing has caused it to be like this.
It comes from LCDO, a French seller.
I don't know if the future flowers will have the same synsepal... I think a little cutting when the bud was growing has caused it to be like this.
It comes from LCDO, a French seller.
The split synsepal is a gentic throw back to pre-fusion times. It probably will not happen on future bloomings. It looks as though the spike had problems developing from the beginning coming out of the crown of the plant also. Once the plant is better established it should bloom fine. Great color as mentioned but you have a flower with super twist int eh petals too, nice!
The split synsepal is a gentic throw back to pre-fusion times. It probably will not happen on future bloomings. It looks as though the spike had problems developing from the beginning coming out of the crown of the plant also. Once the plant is better established it should bloom fine. Great color as mentioned but you have a flower with super twist int eh petals too, nice!

I think so, it will be better next bloom. multis improve with the size of the plant.
OK I'll wait for some in the mail! :poke:
PS, DEA has been notified about mysterious white powder from Texas lab disguised as quanset greenhouse! :poke: