Another attempt at alba multifloral hybrids. This time it’s an alba Brachypetalum hybrid as the pod parent

pollinated with my Saint Swithin with philippinense alba as a parent.

Pollination happened 10/13/22, pod was harvested May 2023 and sown 6/1/23.

I saw germination mid-July, then I split the protocorms into three groups for colchicine treatment on 8/5/23.

Just shy of 4 months after flasking and 2 months after colchicine treatment, here’s how the control group is doing

Here’s how the weak dose (2 uM colchicine, 4 weeks in the dark) is doing. I never got around the chance to removing the solution from their flask, but that doesn’t seem to have slowed them down too much

And lastly, the strong (50 uM colchicine for 5 days) group. Low survival, but the protocorms are green and (slowly) putting on size— no roots or leaves yet though. At the very least I know the colchicine dose did… something lol

That’s all for now!

pollinated with my Saint Swithin with philippinense alba as a parent.

Pollination happened 10/13/22, pod was harvested May 2023 and sown 6/1/23.

I saw germination mid-July, then I split the protocorms into three groups for colchicine treatment on 8/5/23.

Just shy of 4 months after flasking and 2 months after colchicine treatment, here’s how the control group is doing

Here’s how the weak dose (2 uM colchicine, 4 weeks in the dark) is doing. I never got around the chance to removing the solution from their flask, but that doesn’t seem to have slowed them down too much

And lastly, the strong (50 uM colchicine for 5 days) group. Low survival, but the protocorms are green and (slowly) putting on size— no roots or leaves yet though. At the very least I know the colchicine dose did… something lol

That’s all for now!