Paph Lady Isabel x praestans x sanderianum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Just got myself a few new plants.

Paph Lady Isabel x praestans x sanderianum.. that's what it said. Sounds like group sex to me :)
I have no idea what it will look like but with those parents I expect something spectacular.

Other things I got this week:

Harold Koopowitz
malipoense x jackii
jackii x armeniacum
St Swithin
adductum x sanderianum
rothschildianum x vietnamense

It's been a good week.... but not for my wallet :)
Ayreon said:
Just got myself a few new plants.

Paph Lady Isabel x praestans x sanderianum.. that's what it said. Sounds like group sex to me :)
I have no idea what it will look like but with those parents I expect something spectacular.

There should be a paranthesis to divide the parents. Such as Paph Lady Isabel x (praestans x sanderianum) or (Paph Lady Isabel x praestans) x sanderianum.......This will define the cross!
slippertalker said:
There should be a paranthesis to divide the parents. Such as Paph Lady Isabel x (praestans x sanderianum) or (Paph Lady Isabel x praestans) x sanderianum.......This will define the cross!

I know there should be.. but sometimes things aren't what they should. I will try to contact the seller to find out...
A few of your crosses are actually registered.

adductum X sanderianum = Paul Parks
jackii X armeniacum = Wossner Armenijack
rothschildianum X vietnamense = Wossner Vietnam Star

Sounds like you have a few winners in that group!
Aaa, thank you. It's fun with names :)

And after some investigation it's probably
Paph Lady Isabel x (praestans x sanderianum)
Paramount Orchids in Calgary, Alberta offers (Lady Isabel X sanderianum) X praestans...coincidental that the same parents are used but in a different order...I would not be surprised if in fact, this is the one you have. Just for information, Lady Isabel X sanderianum = Booth's Sand Lady. I will be picking that cross up in May...we may be able to compare flowers in a few years!
Interesting. My plant came from France, so it's not at all sure it's the same.

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