Paph Druryi

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
First time flowering for me. Didn't realise how small the flower was on this species. Cute still the same.



Hmm.. The flower does look small compared to how thick the stem is... but congrats nevertheless.. Druryi is not an easy species to grow and flower... :)

The stem is very chunky in this species. A lot thicker relative to most other species and certainly doesn't need a stake. So a little misleading. Still the flower is one of the smallest I have flowered in the genus. The other thing was the length of time it took for the bud to develop - around 5 months. I never thought it was going to open.

very nice David.. also thanks for the full plant shot... looks like mine has a fair way to go then...
One of my favorites. I have a great druryii hybrid in bud right now...Lemonzest 'Mapelthorpe' and I cant wait for it! Beautiful:clap::clap::clap:
'Great' but apparently small flower!!! What size is it? Is it still opening? If I compare to the tiny druryi plant I have, the size must be lt 5cm!! Jean
I second what all the others said - P.druryi isn't easy to grow and harder to flower. Way to go!
Best regards from Germany, rudolf
'Great' but apparently small flower!!! What size is it? Is it still opening? If I compare to the tiny druryi plant I have, the size must be lt 5cm!! Jean

The flower has finished opening Jean. The flower is 5.5 cm across by 5 cm long which when I look up the description for this species is about normal. The flower is very tight with little lateral spread of the petals or dorsal.

Maybe it is bit like fairrieanum. I'd see these incredible imposing photos of it and assume the flowers were huge. Then when I flowered my first one I was amazed how small it was.

I wonder if the difficulty in flowering this species is due to not enough light. I grow mine very bright alongside my multi-florals.

The flower has finished opening Jean. The flower is 5.5 cm across by 5 cm long which when I look up the description for this species is about normal. The flower is very tight with little lateral spread of the petals or dorsal.

Maybe it is bit like fairrieanum. I'd see these incredible imposing photos of it and assume the flowers were huge. Then when I flowered my first one I was amazed how small it was.

I wonder if the difficulty in flowering this species is due to not enough light. I grow mine very bright alongside my multi-florals.


Not sure how big you were expecting but future bloomings may push the flower size up a around 7 cm, and with multiple growths spiking at once. Yours has a very pretty flower.:clap: These guys definitely like bright light and pretty high summer temps (but it actually seems to appreciate cool/dry winters). I often joke about them being more like cactus rather than paphs. I also throw a fair amount of oyster shell and bone meal to mine. Under these conditions their rate of growth and bloom set is on par with many multis.