Neofinetia in spike as of 6/14/07

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Jason Fischer
Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
It is that time of the year, my favorite time, neofinetia time! I have too many oddball sizes of plants to list on our website, so I thought I'd put a list up here of some of the varieties that are starting to spike right now:

Neofinetia falcata in spike as of 6/14/07

Oonami Seikai. 1G $55, 3G$65, 5G$85
Rain No Hikari (variegated, yellow stripes) 8 growths 5 spikes $650
Yasuri Takakuma (tiger variegated) 3 growths, $50
Miyakohabutae x self, 3 to 5 growths, $35
Tenshin (forward facing spurs) 2 growths, $180
Gekkeikan (light yellow striped margins) 9 growth, 4 spikes $250
Nishidemiyako (yellow/white margins on dark green) 2 growth, $160
Taiyouden (various stripes of variegation) 1 growth, $45
Surusumi (rasp leaf type) 7 growths, 2 spikes $200
Fugaku (all mounted on drift wood which looks wonderful, some green some variegated)
1G $45, 3G (green) $65, 3G (yellow variegation showing) $75

You can e-mail us if you are interested in plants at [email protected], call us at 1-800-669-6006, or order via paypal (account is [email protected]). Shipping via Priority Mail will be $10 for the first plant and $3 for each additional. FedEx 2 day will be $18 for the first plant and $4 for each additional.

More and more are spiking, and I'll try to keep up with the list!


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Jason Fischer said: I thought I'd put a list up here of some of the varieties that are starting to spike right now...

I mean, "damn you Jason!":evil:

Jason Fischer said:
More and more are spiking, and I'll try to keep up with the list!

Seriously, please do. I'm all about instant gratification lately...
and I have a list (as you well know). ;)

I am finding that these things multiply like bunnies....I got two yesterday when I expected one, a trade for one arrived today and when she got my plant in exchange she wanted to send me another Neo. cause she liked the phil. so much so that's another unexpected plant. Fine w/ me, they're all different and I'm interested!

Thank goodness they're relatively small.

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