Most harmless spray?

  • Thread starter Eric Muehlbauer
  • Start date
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Eric Muehlbauer

I was very surprised to find that all but one of my delanatii's are spiking, including my album. Since they are in the light garden, with its ubiquitous mealybugs, I was wondering which would be safer to spray, least likely to damage the buds- straight pyrethrin, or isopropyl alcohol (which has cinnamon sticks soaking in it). I don't have any other sprays, except for sunspray oil, which doesn't work (for me) on mealies anyway.
I have never used pyrethrin,but have had isopropyl alcohol leave marks on buds/flowers in the past.
If there are mealybugs on flowers, I remove them with cosmetic-cotton swabs (something like Q-tips, but more pointed than those wich are used for the ears). At the moment, I soak them -before taking off the mealies- in ´Eau Sauvage´ after-shave-lotion (Christian Dior) , that works very well. I treated the flower of my armeniacum this way two days ago and the flower is fine.
Best regards, Gina
I use EndAll II and a toothpic to remove them. Works fine but you have to be ready to do it again in a few days. far, no mealies on any buds...but I'll use the pyrethrin if I have to...I don't think I've ever seen damage from that. I'll have to look into Sucrashield.
Why spray at all? Systemic drenching is

by far the best method in my greenhouse and drenching
spares the buds and blooms. Orthene 97% will also provide extended protection from reinfestation. I use
a tsp. per gallon and have never had any damage to any
kind of orchid.

*However Orthene does stink for a day or two.
If I had a greenhouse, I would consider orthene, although it is a heavy hitter. But all my plants are in the same home I live in and share with my cats, who are very inquisitive about any liquid that goes on them. So, like it or not, I stick with pyrethrins and ethanol for mealies, sunspray for scale.
I still use the Bayer "Bloom and Rose" (or something like that) which is essentially Merrit (just diluted for household use). I've never had it screw up buds.
I didn't realize you had to live with what you use, Eric.
Actually, my cats won't even come in my gh after I've
used Orthene. Their cat sensibilities are mightily offended
by the smell. They also give me very dirty looks from the outside door!
I still use the Bayer "Bloom and Rose" (or something like that) which is essentially Merrit (just diluted for household use). I've never had it screw up buds.

I've used the commercial strength stuff in the past (Confidor), and put it on fairly strong. It's systemic so you can water it on or spray it, either way has worked well for me, and no damage.
We use the Bayer product as well, as a spot treatment for mealies with good results. It's Bayer "Rose and Flower" spray and it's active ingredient is Imidacloprid, the same chemical found in Merit. Available at any Home Depot for about $ 5.00.
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