More Sad News from Another of our Members

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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ST Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 6, 2006
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Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure
John M. had a major cold disaster at his house this weekend - most plants (and hence his business) destroyed.

I'm linking in the URL regarding this, with photos, from Orchid Source Forum. Please do not email him directly at this time - Wendy (who I am also emailing) is helping to coordinate support efforts - when they get to them, and I know some of our members and our Canadian members may be willing and able to help eventually (and perhaps as a forum we could make some sort of donation out of the slippertalk fund, or help with a dedicated help drive?) but right now John is, understandably, overwhelmed so I think we should just voice support here or at OSF and wait until we can be of further help.

John was one of our first members here and I know, although he doesn't post a lot, he appreciates this forum's mission and will appreciate our thoughts and support at such a tough time.

Hang in there John, and do let us know what and when we can do something to help!
I had a look at the pictures and all I can say is that you do not wish your worst enemy to experience that.
I hope that you (John) do get assistance from your orchid friends living nearby.
Fortunately we do not experience this kind of weather in Cape Town.
I trust all will go well.
John and I have been in communication. Not only is he devastated over the loss of his plants, he is also scared for this was his only source of income and does not have the funds to get this going again. He is fearful that he may have to sell his home. His main genera that he sold were Vanda and Disa hybrids.

My heart goes out to him. I have contacted Wendy to see if she thinks John will be willing to accept some money donations from myself and a few others that have expressed interest in donating.
Oh my, what terrible news!!!! Our hearts go out to him! We'd like to help out in any way we can, just let us know.

Perhaps, members would be willing to donate plants to him so that he can get started up again.
Hi all. Thanks for the concern. If anyone wants to make a donation to help please contact me...or Ron (he has the addresses) and I will let you know where to send it.

And thanks to Heather for posting this.
John was not able to find an insurance company that would cover his greenhouse or the contents. The problem with donating plants to help his is that his business entailed selling blooming Vandas and Disa hybrids. He interest in Paphs and Phrags was his personal collection.

There are many who are helping with a money donation. You can contact me here or at [email protected] for addresses where to send a check or you can contact Wendy as well.

Yes, thank you Heather for posting this!
:sob::sob::sob::sob:I think if I was in your situation I'd probably have a heartattack.
Terrible.. When one plant dies due to your mistake or coincidence you feel very bad. When the whole greenhouse dies it is devastating. I don't know what I would do in such situation :sob::sob::sob:
You can plan back-ups for your main systems and when the back-ups fail too...I've thought about it and have wondered myself, if I'd have the heart to replace a g.h. full of plants after such an event. I've actually had a taste of it, but with the opposite happening. My line to the g.h. was tripped due to some water getting into an outlet. It happened in the early morning of a summer day. I remember looking out my window and noting that I didn't see my fans moving in the g.h. Panic set in and I rushed out to find, no fans, no evap. cooler, no misters. It was 115 degrees and had I not noticed the fans being off or left the house all my plants would have fried. As it was there were probably 10-15 plants with significant burning and probably 30 that show heat stress for some time.

It cost me $800 for the electrician to "fix" my line so I wouldn't be getting water into it anymore. And I got a battery temp. alarm which also isn't dependable when the battery gets low.

I feel so badly when I hear these kind of stories.
I posted this at Orchid Source Forum as well:

I'd be willing to take paypal donations through my paypal account and then convert them to one or several Canadian money orders over time to send to John directly if anyone is interested in that option. I know paypal makes my life a LOT easier when it comes to donations.

If anyone is interested in this as an option, please PM me for my email (which is also my paypal address) and when you paypal the donation, specify it is for John M. and I will make sure he gets it.

For Slippertalk members - you can just click on the Make a Donation button and specify that it is for John M. in the notes section. I will make sure that John gets these donations.
Heather, I assume John is appreciating all the support he is getting. I would like to add my personal thanks to you and other members that have offered their support to John during this tough time.
Thanks Heather.

I know John appreciates all the help he is getting. When he is over the shock of it and gets back to some kind of normal feeling he will be posting.
I can't even think how John must feel. I am able and will be happy to donate hunderds of plants to help get him back in business. I have hundreds of Vandas and a lot of other plants that I will ship just as soon as I get all the shipping info. Ron, please have John call me early next week and we will have him up and running in no time. I hope others will help as well. We are a real small community and need to help each other out in times like this. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Frank that is very generous of you. Please PM me with your telephone # and I will pass it onto John or should he use the main #

It has been wonderful how the orchid community is gathering together to help. John had recieved some monetary support to help with incoming bills. I and others are running some auctions for his support.

We all belong to a great community...that I am very proud of. :clap:
I can't even think how John must feel. I am able and will be happy to donate hunderds of plants to help get him back in business. I have hundreds of Vandas and a lot of other plants that I will ship just as soon as I get all the shipping info. Ron, please have John call me early next week and we will have him up and running in no time. I hope others will help as well. We are a real small community and need to help each other out in times like this. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Bravo! Frank Bravo! My hat off to you!!! You are truly an angel!!!
