More delenatii

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Leiper's Fork, TN
All my stuff is later than ever this year.
My delenatii responded very well to Epsom salt addition in their old potting mix.

I took a picture backlit and standard.

I am smelling a faint rose like fragrance from this flower.
Nice, I like the non-backlit photo because the colors Pop! Hmmmm, after seeing a photo of parvis growing in rocks I mut a delenatii in a mix with a lot of diatomite and its doing well.
Nice, I like the non-backlit photo because the colors Pop! Hmmmm, after seeing a photo of parvis growing in rocks I mut a delenatii in a mix with a lot of diatomite and its doing well.

Hi Eric, they like a LOT of water.
Hi Eric, they like a LOT of water.

I've rotted roots on this species in the past with less dense mixes than what these guys are presently in.

This present mix is still the original mix they came in from Matt Gore a few years ago. It seems like a 50/50 mix of fafra (potting compound) and hydroton balls. The first year or so the two I got from Matt held their own, but were lack lustre. I restrained water to keep the mix from staying too wet. When I started the magnesium supplementation these plants came alive with larger than ever new leaves, and additional growths. The leaf coloring became much more distinct too.

I'm still fairly restrictive with the pot watering (heavy only 1x a week), but more generous with light foliar misting (maybe every day during warm times). They are adding about 2 new growths a season now.
It's lovely, I'm envious! :drool::smitten:
Hi Eric, they like a LOT of water.

I've rotted roots on this species in the past with less dense mixes than what these guys are presently in.

This present mix is still the original mix they came in from Matt Gore a few years ago. It seems like a 50/50 mix of fafra (potting compound) and hydroton balls. The first year or so the two I got from Matt held their own, but were lack lustre. I restrained water to keep the mix from staying too wet. When I started the magnesium supplementation these plants came alive with larger than ever new leaves, and additional growths. The leaf coloring became much more distinct too.

I'm still fairly restrictive with the pot watering (heavy only 1x a week), but more generous with light foliar misting (maybe every day during warm times). They are adding about 2 new growths a season now.
Lance's book recommends a dry winter rest, does anyone rest to that degree? I need to try something different, I can grow seedlings, but I can kill adults & they don't bloom for me.:eek:

Delenatii is from lower elevations in South Vietnam. My brother in law lived in this region for a few years and says there are two seasons warm/dry and warm/wet. It never really gets very cool. Also unlike all the other parvis, its found over granite/sandy areas. So pH is expected to be a bit lower than it would be for species on limestone.

I did forget that I did apply a liberal amount of sand to these plants back in my sand craze period (I think six months or so ago). But these plants were already doing pretty good before that.

The problems you are experiencing with yours are similar to the handful I had (a dunkel too) before I started my magnesium kick. Based on the first ones (that ultimately died) I thought these plants just normally were slow and small. But after changing nutrition I'm finding these are medium sized plants and fairly aggressive growers.

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