i think my randsii is about dead...

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some call me brian
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Cod
i'm so sad. several months ago it seemed to have a fungal issue so i cut leaves, dusted with cinnamon. ended up loosing the most mature growth and was left with a small growth. now, the small growth is starting to look sick. oh... what do i do? who can save it? help me, superman!
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see... this is what happens when you rely on food to fight off infections :)
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see... this is what happens when you rely on food to fight off infections :)

I don't know about cinnamon but Dragon's Blood is not food. :poke:
It works.
Blake your a chemist tell me why you reject it's potential without even trying it?
Maybe because it contains the active ingredients as follows that no chemist can synthesize?:

alpha-calacorene, alpha-copaene, alpha-pinene, alpha-thujene, beta-caryophyllene, beta-elemene, beta-pinene, betaine, bincatriol, borneol, calamenene, camphene, catechins, cedrucine, crolechinic acid, cuparophenol, D-limonene, daucosterol, dihydrobenzofuran, dimethylcedrusine, dipentene, eugenol, euparophenol, gallocatechin, gamma-terpinene, gamma-terpineol, hardwickiic acid, isoboldine, korberin A & B, lignin, linalool, magnoflorine, methylthymol, myrcene, norisoboldine, p-cymene, proanthocyanidins, procyanidins, resin, tannin, taspine, terpinen-4-ol, vanillin, alloaromadendrene, alpha-bergamotene, alpha-cubebene, alpha-multijugenol, alpha-selinene, ar-curcumene, beta-bisabolene, beta-cubebene, beta-elemene, beta-farnesene, beta-humulene, beta-muurolene, beta-selinene, calamenene, calamesene, carioazulene, caryophyllenes, coipaiferic acid, copaene, copaiferolic acid, copalic acid, copaibic acids, cyperene, delta-cadinene, delta-elemene, enantio-agathic acid, gamma-cadinene, gamma-elemene, gamma-humulene, hardwickic acids, illurinic acid, kaurenoic acids, kaurenic acid, kolavenol 1, maracaibobalsam, methlyl copalate, paracopaibic acids, polyalthic acid, trans-alpha-bergamotene
d'oh... i didn't even check the roots. i'll do that later today.
guess i was distracted as when i glanced at it today, the stuff i thought was rot/bacteria/fungus looks like it's just a little left over cinnamon....
Lance, I'll gladly try Dragon's Blood, but cinnamon I dont buy into, plus it cakes up and makes a wonderful mess.
Eric - tell us more - what benefits are you hoping to achieve by drinking it?
Do you have a secret?
Lance, I'll gladly try Dragon's Blood, but cinnamon I dont buy into, plus it cakes up and makes a wonderful mess.

I've never tried cinnamon. It probably has chemicals in it that do effect the pathogens but being a dried powder it is going to be hard to get it in good contact with an infection. The liquid Dragon's Blood is pretty easy to apply and get into tight leaf areas in a plants crown. It also does not have the desiccating effect like cinnamon has on small seedlings with tender delicate leaves.
Alright Lance,
I'll get some DB from you and try it out next time I have an issue.
Why was I drinking it w/ my juice every morning! :mad:

(his secret is he's silly...)

Some interesting info I found out -
Indigenous people also take Sangre de Drago orally in a diluted form (e.g. three drops in a beverage two or three times a day) for gastrointestinal disorders, gastritis, gastric ulcer, intestinal infections, colitis and parasites.
want more, including studies? check this out -

Not as silly as it may appear to be?