I just received 2 deflasked Paph. hybrids

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Catskill, N.Y.
This 1 is Paph. Drulas & charlesworthii
The whole flask.


This is a partial of the other flask. The seedlings look albino, the leaves are white.
lowii x (Hsinying Maru x Dolligold)


I have seen Dollgoldi listed accidentally as Dolligold. I think it is a fairly common occurence. When I was visiting the Orchid House in Morro Bay several years ago, Norris Powell kept saying Dolligold and I asked him what the parentage was and he said 'armeniacum by roth, dumbie.' :mad: Of course I wasn't going to argue with him, but just goes to show. Anyway, I would give a pretty penny if that wasn't what it was.
Here is a link for a pic of Hsinying Maru & Dolligold!!


The 1 I used for the cross was more green & white.. If I find a pic of it I will post it.


It is pretty clear that that cross does not involve Dollgoldi, as some have speculated that Dolligold was just Dollgoldi misspelled. So the question remains: WTF is Dolligold?
You need to contact the breeder and ask about Dolligold- is it going to be registered or at least what the exact parentage is...
After looking at the photo, I also agree with PaphMadMan and recant my suspicions that Dolligold is Dollgoldi in this particular case (Although I maintain that confusion on this spelling is quite rampant) but given the picture, it appears that armeniacum pollen has been nowhere near that plant much less as a grandparent! ;)
About the chlorophyll - chances are that since the plants are getting much of their nutrients from the agar media, they have grown to the size that they are. Unfortunately, the fact is that without chlorophyll, they will not be able to synthesise needed chemical energy from light and will most likely go the way of the dinosaur. Who knows though. Nature has a way of persisting and often the most improbable specimens survive. If they do infact live, I would love to see them in a couple of years!
Did you make the crosses? If not, I would of never sold a flask that looked like that(lowii X HM(Dolli)). If the plants that are green with white stripping live they will throw deformed flowers, the mostly whites won't survive at all. IMHO
Yes, I did the cross & I just got the flasks from Troy. The rest of the seedlings are fine it was just a small part of the flask that they are white.

Yes, I did the cross & I just got the flasks from Troy

I'm confused...why would you cross something of which the parentage is unclear? I hope you don't end up with several flasks of nonames. Because unless someone steps forward who knows the parentage of Dolligold and registers it, that's what you've got :<
When I did the cross, I didn't know that it was unclear. I only got 1 flask from the cross. It didn't produce to much seed.

- nearly fife years later -

Tom, did one of these hybrids came to flower yet?
I really would like to see the flowers ...