What effect does fluctuating humidity have on orchids?
Specifically, from a range of 60% fluctuating up to 90% and higher humidity over the course of a few hours, and back down again. I am trying to understand if this type of fluctuation can be harmful, or if orchids don't really mind. How sensitive do you think they are to this type of variance?
What effect does temperature fluctuation have on orchids?
Within normal temperature ranges, let's say between 80 degrees F and 70 degrees F but fluctuating a few degrees up or down each hour?
The reason I ask is this: I am trying to set a standard in my growing area so my plants get into a routine. What I am finding is that I can control temperature and humidity fluctuation to a certain extent. And some variation occurs on it's own as well. But as long as I am within optimal growing ranges, is fluctuation going to do anything positive or negative?
Specifically, from a range of 60% fluctuating up to 90% and higher humidity over the course of a few hours, and back down again. I am trying to understand if this type of fluctuation can be harmful, or if orchids don't really mind. How sensitive do you think they are to this type of variance?
What effect does temperature fluctuation have on orchids?
Within normal temperature ranges, let's say between 80 degrees F and 70 degrees F but fluctuating a few degrees up or down each hour?
The reason I ask is this: I am trying to set a standard in my growing area so my plants get into a routine. What I am finding is that I can control temperature and humidity fluctuation to a certain extent. And some variation occurs on it's own as well. But as long as I am within optimal growing ranges, is fluctuation going to do anything positive or negative?