Helenae 'Long and Short' + Covid-update

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Lovely helenae's Jens

Sorry to hear about your health and hope you recover well. Fortunately in Australia, Covid-19 has been managed very well by our governments and we haven't had the mass infections seen elsewhere.
Fortunately in Australia, Covid-19 has been managed very well by our governments and we haven't had the mass infections seen elsewhere.
I think the government here has so far handled the crisis pretty well, too - taking into consideration, that we are not an insulated part of Europe. Out of a population of 5.8 mill, we have "only" had less than 800 deaths. This compared to the catastrophe on our doorstep: Sweden with a population of 10.2 mill has 6.164 deaths!
In Great Brexitannia, where they claim to be working on taking back control, they have a death rate of almost 52.000 out of a population of 66.65 mill.

Although, the management of the current mink crisis is heavily debatted here, I agree with taking the principle of precaution in regard to future, possible mutations in mink. The government, though, seems to have acted too fast (read: unlawfully) and without the necessary, parlamentary support - and the issue of this possible breach of our constitution is now at the fore in our local debate. Even then, the onslaught on the minks continues unabated, and, from a health perspective, on seemingly solid ground.
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Get well, Jens! And show us nice flowers of helenae 'Lemon Elf' soon! Mine usually blooms in late August as the first of all my helenae-clones. So yours is very late.
What is the source of these two nice guys 'Fyrtårnet og Bivognen'?
Get well, Jens! What is the source of these two nice guys 'Fyrtårnet og Bivognen'?
Thank you, Chris! The small one is surprisingly from Popow, while the bigger one is from an Austrian ebay-dealer.
And concerning the Lemon Elf my end...it had a slight cultural set-back, which may be the reason for the delay in flowering. Hopefully it's on its way to recuperate - and hopefully me2!
Glad Covid was not too hard on you. Orchid care and Slippertalk help a lot. Lucky for me too, as Austria will be again in total lockdown again tonight.
Great pair of helenae's!