R Srinivasan
Hi, From being bitten by orchidomania for more that four decades, I have recently been enslaved by these utterly loveable paphs. So much so that one fine morning I acquired over a hundred hybrids of warm growing paphs from Singapore. All of them seed raised from crosses having P. rothschildianum, P. concolorobellatulum( thats what the lable stated), P. glaucophyllum, P. spiceriannum etc. etc.,as one of the parent stock. Most of them have settled well in a medium containing, coconut husk chunks, leaf mould, charcoal pieces and broken roof-tiles. I watered them once thoroghly and followed it up with spraying the leaves three to four times a day. Plants from the same crosses are on bloom but show considerable variation in colour, shape and substance. Comments please!