Fox Valley Seedlings & Winston Churchill cross

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Hausermans and Fox Valley had an open house this weekend. Since it would have been a wasted trip to return home empty handed (you agree, right?) I bought two seedlings.

Fairrieanum ('Select' x 'Red' - AM). Tom had already bloomed one of this cross and it had a small but very pretty red flower. I'm hoping mine will do the same and get bigger as the plant grows.

Second purchase was a vini with some interesting parents (Macabre x Night Fire) x (Macabre x Red Shift).

And on a very exciting note, I have a beautiful blooming plant. It is Winston Churchill 'Indomitable' FCC x Davisville 'Spotty'

Hope you enjoy the pictures,
This was my first time at Hauserman's open house, and I couldn't believe all the people they had on a Friday morning at 11am. There were workers directing traffic in the parking lot. You really wouldn't think there was a recession the way people lined up buying plants.

And oh, all the blooms. I should have brought my camera :(

BTW I thought it was interesting that few people were buying paphs. They got a lot of comments, but at the end of the day the fragrant mix of blooms must have been too irresistible.

In all, I was just happy to see the orchid business is still working for our growers. I love the services they provide, and I hope they are all making money and staying open!