Fabric softener against fungus gnats

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Thanks! My fungus gnats like my new greenhouse, so maybe this is a non-toxic way to control them. I'm going to try it!
Some bored grad students in Illinois and Kansas. Long winters will make you do the strangest things. :)

I can view the manuscript (some of these sci journals are protected, but I'm on campus and UCF probably subscribes to this journal). They used chambers made from rubbermaid lunch/leftover containers connected with tubes and just watched how far the gnats 'ran' from the drier sheets. Then did GC-MS to see what's in the sheets. No dosage/treatment was recommended.
Hey, nobody said useful research has be to funded by a government grant with peer review and principal investigators!

I did some work for UCF a while back...nice place!
Hey, nobody said useful research has be to funded by a government grant with peer review and principal investigators!

I did some work for UCF a while back...nice place!

:) So true!

Katherine, did you know UCF is the fourth largest University (by enrollment) in the US now? Well over 50,000 students! There's argument we'll be second next fall. Watch for the Knights to become college football bowl game regulars in the coming years as reputation spreads and helps steal some awesome recruits from the Big 10, East, and Pac teams!
Wow, that is a lot of growth!

For my first meeting there, I flew in to the airport and rented a car to drive to near campus. A huge thunderstorm was approaching...I swear it looked like an F5 tornado! Locals, ho hum, yes we get those every day in the summer!! I nearly drove off the road!

But please, stay out of Big 10 country!!!
Worth a try, not like the Bounce is going to go to waste. Sticking a sheet or 2 under your patio umbrella is suppose to keep bees away.
The insects are smart enough to stay away from some chemical stuffs.
Yet, we are willingly exposed ourselves to these thing . Do we really think that we are absolutely beyond harmed.
The insects are smart enough to stay away from some chemical stuffs.
Yet, we are willingly exposed ourselves to these thing . Do we really think that we are absolutely beyond harmed.

not any more... I can't use them anymore at least I have to get the non-scented ones; the others give me a rash
:) So true!

Katherine, did you know UCF is the fourth largest University (by enrollment) in the US now? Well over 50,000 students! There's argument we'll be second next fall. Watch for the Knights to become college football bowl game regulars in the coming years as reputation spreads and helps steal some awesome recruits from the Big 10, East, and Pac teams!

Oh no! Yet another institute of learning infected by 'sports'. And yet everyone shakes their heads about the condition of education in this country when one of the answers is right in front of them!

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