Well Rudolf, we are back to that concept that ”perfect” is a relative thing.))Tom, these lovely flowers are really irresistible.If they would last a bit longer...they were perfect.
Culture that works for me:One of my favorites, but they never bloom for me!
Tom, I think you forgot.....they like a hard dry and cooler to cool rest..........they like a hard dry rest.....
Rudolf, You are correct, as usual. I don’t heat my GH so do have a nice temp drop so forgot to add that factor for others who heat. Good catch. ThanksTom, I think you forgot.....they like a hard dry and cooler to cool rest....
Culture that works for me:
they like a hard dry rest (Nov-Feb) after which I soak (literally in a bucket) for an hour or more to wake them up.
Generally speaking yes.I didn't soak them an hour but keep spraying water. It is finally pitting out two new roots. Did you leave the old roots on mount?