Cymbidium “Peachy Keen”

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Nov 15, 2017
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From Paphiness on eBay in November 2018. Originally a product of Orchid Zone, he scooped up the batch and grew them out. Never had seen an orange Cymbidium before so I pounced. This plant has led me a merry chase through moss to bark to LECA just to try and keep it alive; this past spring I was sick of its years-long threat to brown and die (to say nothing of refusing any attempt at a bloom) so I stuck it outside in its LECA and ignored it, it sat on the ground. Got full of slugs. I watered it with used water from other orchids or the hose. Pot got full of algae, slugs throughout. I figured it was a loss…then I saw a sturdy spike. Shocking. Of course I hauled it out of that pot, trimmed the roots, washed/peroxided all, boiled the LECA…that spike took 4 months to open and just yesterday the other 3 buds fell off for no good goddamn reason but behold, adorable mini Cymbidium “Peachy Keen.”


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I wouldnt have though cymbids would like Leca - they are semi-terrestrial.
They do extremely well in semi-hydroponics! I don’t have room (or temperatures) for them any longer, but when I grew them, they all were in LECA.

At one point, I imported about 500 “Chinese” species per month. 2 old growths, plus 1 new one, in spike,
Arrived bare root and went straight into S/H. Never lost a bud. It turns out the grower in Taiwan used a similar culture, but used pumice and twigs instead of LECA, watering daily with spoiled milk as the only nutrient.
They do extremely well in semi-hydroponics! I don’t have room (or temperatures) for them any longer, but when I grew them, they all were in LECA.

At one point, I imported about 500 “Chinese” species per month. 2 old growths, plus 1 new one, in spike,
Arrived bare root and went straight into S/H. Never lost a bud. It turns out the grower in Taiwan used a similar culture, but used pumice and twigs instead of LECA, watering daily with spoiled milk as the only nutrient.
Ray! You are the reason I went to LECA for this plant! And once again, as seem to have failed miserably with C. kanran, my next imports will go straight into LECA. I’ve succeeded with C. quiebiense and C. cyperfolium in traditional media (kanuma, pumice) but goeringii and kanran just go down boom. Sigh. Thank you for posting this info in the first place; your words led directly to this flower.