Cym. Whatever You Wanna Call It '?'

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
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A Cymbidium I inherited form a OS member.It blooms faithfully every year,and that is the only reason it never made the compost pile.I am thinking next OS meeting it will be going to someone else.

Nice. i like cymbids, I just cant grow them! :(

Being able to grow them has been my downfall.Everybody who cant grow them always wants to give me theirs,and how do you say no to a free Orchid?
Lovely! Cymbidiums are easy to grow outdoors in my area. I look forward each year to Cymbidium season in the winter/spring!
Lovely! Cymbidiums are easy to grow outdoors in my area. I look forward each year to Cymbidium season in the winter/spring!

I hear lots of people even plant them in the ground in your area. Is that right? Or is it better to keep them in pots?
I found that cymbidiums are on of the easiest Orchids to grow.I put them outside in the Spring and pretty much forget about them till Oct/Nov.
I've seen Cymbidiums planted directly in the ground but mostly I see them in pots. I prefer pots so that I can easily move them around if needed.
I found that cymbidiums are on of the easiest Orchids to grow.I put them outside in the Spring and pretty much forget about them till Oct/Nov.

You are lucky! :)

Just take a photo of the flowers with you to your next OS meeting. Someone will want this one. It's truly lovely!
You are lucky! :)

Just take a photo of the flowers with you to your next OS meeting. Someone will want this one. It's truly lovely!

Its next week so it should have the two spikes in bloom and the other two halfway developed