Coryanthes macrantha

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Mine bloomed earlier this year. (2X!!)

What is your culture for this species?

Potting mix - pine bark and charcoal.
Watering - every morning.
Fertilize weekly ay 1/4 strength
Partial shade/morning sun.
Potting mix - pine bark and charcoal.
Watering - every morning.
Fertilize weekly ay 1/4 strength
Partial shade/morning sun.


what do you fertilize with and where do you live (so we can get an idea of the temps you deal with)?

what do you fertilize with and where do you live (so we can get an idea of the temps you deal with)?


I live in the tropics (Singapore). Summer all year round very close to where these plants came from.
Fertilizer is Gaviota 63 and 67. 63 and 67 for growing and flowering respectively.
Those buds look like wierd potatoes or something. So bizzare yet so beautiful at the same time. Thanks for sharing them.
To me they look sort of like potatoes or alien testicles which transform into hanging bats. Strange and wonderful! :clap:
Potting mix - pine bark and charcoal.
Watering - every morning.
Fertilize weekly ay 1/4 strength
Partial shade/morning sun.

I would love to get into this species. I have heard that they like to be potted in an acidic medium like moss. How did you manage to keep the acidic properties up in order for it to bloom? Was it redwood bark chips?
I would love to get into this species. I have heard that they like to be potted in an acidic medium like moss. How did you manage to keep the acidic properties up in order for it to bloom? Was it redwood bark chips?

We do not have redwood bark chips here. I use pine bark and sphagnum moss.
I would love to get into this species. I have heard that they like to be potted in an acidic medium like moss. How did you manage to keep the acidic properties up in order for it to bloom? Was it redwood bark chips?

Was recently reading about nitrogen use in other acid loving "ant" species. In this case a Catesetum.

Since the pH was so low, it had problems accessing both nitrate and ammonia, so the prefered nitrogen source was the amino acid glutamine.

This is readily available in kelp extracts.