Bulb. longissimum 'birmese variety'

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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hi slippertalkers,

recently Chuck posted pictures of Bulb. longissima [he slightly misspelled the name] his form of
Bulb. longissimum comes from Southern Thailand and was rediscovered 15 yrs ago,
than about 8 yrs ago Bulb. longissimum was discovered in eastern Birma
very close to Thai border near Kanchanaburi
at the market of Chedi sam Ong which translates into 'Three pagoda Pass'
this form has longer and more colored flowers and is currently in flower in
my nursery the umbels are 37cm[13 inch] long and have a yellow/orange colored lip .
I also attached a picture of a sunset going down in a sea of mist
taken a few days ago while visiting Doi mon Lan , the highest mountain
near my farm and peaks at 6000 ft


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  • sunset at 6000 ft in a sea of fog (Small).jpg
    sunset at 6000 ft in a sea of fog (Small).jpg
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Very nice one,also seems to have an higher flower count...
I also know of some found strangely in Sabah...not seen them in flower...
hi slippertalkers,

Chuck posted pictures of Bulb. longissima [he slightly misspelled the name] his form of Bulb. longissimum comes from Southern Thailand

Thanks for pointing out my error. I'll change the tag this morning when I water. I like your flower a lot. Just for kicks, I increased the saturation of colors in my photo using photoshop and the result was similar to your flower.