Bark Sizes/Grades

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Orchid Iconoclast
Staff member
Supporting Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Oak Island NC
Gotta question for y'all:

According to their website, Orchiata has 7 different grades of bark:

3-6 mm (7/64"-1/4")
6-9 mm (1/4"-3/8")
9-12 mm (3/82"-1/2")
12-18 mm (1/2"-3/4") and
18-25 mm (3/4"-1")​
9-12 mm and
12-25 mm​

(* Based upon their website, it appears that all are conditioned to remove the cambium and tannins, so I assume those last two simply aren't aged as long.)

I have no idea if they will make all of them available, but are they all really necessary? I don't recall seeing that many grades with other barks, or any medium for that matter.

The 3-6 mm (averaging just over 1/8") stuff is really tiny, for example. It seems to me that the 6-9 mm stuff (a bit over 1/4" avg) would be what most would consider "fine" grade.
I buy mostly seedling sized bark for my newly deflasked paphs- bag is labeled/sold as up to 1/4" in size.

Next size media would be for 3" to 4" pot.

Last size media I get is for 5" to 6" pots for the larger Roths/Multiflorals.

I would imagine two or three choices would fill the majority of needs.

I hope this helps,
Jim T
I just bought some orchiata bark from Kim's Orchid Supplies, and she said they sold her two different sizes. I bought some of the smaller size which fits the 3/8"-1/2" category. It's larger than I would have liked since I was looking for standard 'seedling grade'. Picture below shows a handful that represents usual sizes found in the bag.


ruler above measures in inches

I think the observations above are pretty good, something average of the roughly 1/4" size would be right for seedlings. I think something to consider is that others who have reported using this bark say it is supposed to hold onto a little more moisture, so slightly more air space may be helpful (or slightly larger size than 'normal'). But only time will tell!
A couple of thoughts. First, you might ask the vendor themselves as to what they normally sell for the (seedling mix - small bark), as well as the medium. Mostly I only use 2 sizes. Another thought is that you might want to shot Scott Ware a P.M. I understand he has just bought a couple of trial bags. I believe he bought what we call small and medium size bark.
With the reported extra moisture holding ability, I would experiment with the addition of more perlite and more charcoal, both about the same size as the bark.
Well, it looks like they don't import all grades. They did not bring any of the super-fine stuff to the east coast, nor that "conditioned" stuff.

The three middle grades are on the way to me as I type this (I did not order any of the super coarse stuff), so should be available by about the middle of next week.
Cool deal.

For those in the Lake City area, Clint at Orchid Odyssey has Orchiata bark, but he is moving into a new place and might be busy, so call first.

Most of my Orchiata order finally showed up, so is now available in the following grades:

#5 "Power" 9-12 mm (3/8"-1/2")
#5A "Power +" 12-18 mm (1/2"-3/4") and
#7 "Super" 18-25 mm (3/4"-1")

The #9 "Classic" 6-9 mm (1/4"-3/8") was inadvertently left off of the shipment, but should arrive shortly.

I have photos with a US Quarter as a size reference.
I would highly reccommend using the 5 or 5A with a coarse perlite at 2:1 ratio. the #7 is good for stuff that likes to be drier, like Cattleya and the #9 is ideal for new young seedlings..
Thanks, Pete.

I'm pretty heavy handed with the watering, so tend to go coarser with my mixes anyway, but not everyone is like that!