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Hi guys:

It's been so long I though I would introduce myself again.

I ended up selling/giving away/killing most of my collection a few years ago. Then DH and I did a bunch of traveling, which was awesome, but we were away so often that I couldn't really justify acquiring more plants. But we've settled down, I have more time and I'm looking forward to building a more thoughtful collection this time around.

Looking forward to getting (re)acquainted with everyone!

That and health reasons is why I am cutting my collection down to mainly Paphs,Phrags,select plants,and the two of the 1st orchids I ever bought years ago.
Thanks Rick! Nothing yet- I've been googling and looking around to see what's changed in the last few years. I'm a multi nut so I would like to start with a half dozen lowii first since they are so easy. Any suggestions on where to look first?

That's so awesome that you still have your first plants, jtrmd! Mine has long ago gone to great beyond.
Thanks Rick! Nothing yet- I've been googling and looking around to see what's changed in the last few years. I'm a multi nut so I would like to start with a half dozen lowii first since they are so easy. Any suggestions on where to look first?

That's so awesome that you still have your first plants, jtrmd! Mine has long ago gone to great beyond.

I would hate to think how big that Sharry Baby would be if I havent divided it up so much over the years. The Sweet Sugar froze and barely came back from the time we had a real early frost 10 years ago. It still struggles, but is still here.
Thanks Dot! I have south and east facing bay windows; we do not have a/c and already use a portable evap cooler for the few really hot days/evenings. So not a greenhouse but it could be worse.

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