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Slipperless member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Glen Rock - New Jersey
The fire has slowly been rekindled. A good number of neos died over recent years mainly from a combination of travel and neglect. There are a few that survived months on end with minimal water and light. Asahiden, kinboshi, yodonomatsu and shunkyuden to name a few. Unlike most photos I’ve seen online the asahiden clearly changed. The stripped variegation is crisp and bright. The kinboshi variegation isn’t what it was, it’s more a muted yellow than tiger variegation. The yodonomatsu is from LI Jane for those that remember her. Amazing woman. I really miss her. I remember visiting her to help her repot her neos. The yodonkmatsu has been growing slow and steady. I’m glad it survived. The shunkyuden blooms certainly aren’t the same. Maybe that will change over a few bloom cycles.

Here’s where they sit. More photos to follow.


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Tom thanks! Yes I am working through them for Memorial Day weekend. Here are the first 3 that took to new mounds. 3 fun ones.

1) tsukenade - I love this one simply because some people don’t believe it’s possible to have no tsuke. And yes it’s delicate project in removing leaves.
Fantastic blooms looks like upside down red birds

I love how the leaves on this plant changes with the weather. During the transition to and from winter, almost all of the leaves fully turn purple
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Awesome collection. I am very envious.

I had a serious mealy bug issues that took several of my plants -- or perhaps it was the neem oil that killed the plants -- and I have only one left. If I can nurture it to flowering I expect I will again lose my mind and start buying more Neos.

Good growing
Welcome back! Most of my originals died off after I haphazardly grew them outside for a decade. Been back at it the last two years and have recently discovered the sales group on Facebook which is a great way to rebuild a collection. 😳 Lots of divs being sold off. They are also doing several group orders a year from Korea.
@BrucherT - In a large seedling dome. I grow dry. It helps give them humidity during the day. Come night time they sit under a ceiling fan.

I was entertaining putting a computer fan in the dome. But I hesitate with exposed electronics in a high humidity enclosure.

The night time fan is crucial. Usually I like to have the media dry out (crispy to the touch) within 3-4 days. Under my conditions, if it goes past that I risk root rot.
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I’m going to have to use Facebook? I quiver at the thought. But I will ask. What’s the FB group name?
Hahaha, sorry. I too was off FB for several years but now I have notifications on for this new group so I’m back all the time! 😂 everyone is super nice and I’ve gotten a lot of good advice and some lovely new plants!
Here’s my new Daisi Nishiki for inspo…

Also some good potters in the group!

Two groups:
Member’s collections:

Sales group:


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Alright alright. I signed up with uninspiring answers for the sales group.

Also, that’s a beautiful neo. I have 3 coming in from Satomi. I can’t say I have anymore space.


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Heather - Any thoughts on the orders to Korea? Do the plants come in healthy? Duane M. Is driving I suspect it’s a good process. I’m more curious about the vendor.
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Here’s a view from the top of the asahiden. I think I got this thing for $60 bucks as a small 2 fanner. I’d say this is probably the one that put me over the edge on getting back into the groove.

That’s the original tag from Satomi. It was just a number back then. Now. There’s a number and price.IMG_7764.jpeg