Anyone take phrags outside for the summer?

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I'm considering taking some of my orchids outdoors for the summer (should it ever get here.) The place I'm considering is on the eastern end of my house facing north. It gets morning sun, somewhat filtered by trees, and then is in the shade of the house from about noon on.

The reason I'm considering this is because during the summer, I'm very active with my garden, and I'd like to have my thirsty plants close to the hose, rather than having to stay indoors to schlep them all to the sink.

Any thoughts?
That's usually what I do. Make sure however that they remain well watered and protected from the sun.
Do you let yours get any direct sun? This spot would have sun in the morning. I don't know how I would rig up shade cloth.
Morning sun is OK. Your orientation appears perfect to me. I don't think you would need shade cloth. You could protect those phrags that require less light, like besseae, by putting them in the shade of the other plants.
Like Katherine I have the same location but my main concern is critters...slugs and such...a wire cage would not look to good in front of my house but I would do it for my Phrags.
Before I had a greenhouse :)D) I took all my orchids outside during the summer. The secret for keeping slugs off the plants is to use metal shelving units which are set on cement or pavers. Deer, squirrels, etc. can be kept out by using pvc pipes to build a frame around the units and place shade cloth over it.
Before I had a greenhouse :)D) I took all my orchids outside during the summer. The secret for keeping slugs off the plants is to use metal shelving units which are set on cement or pavers. Deer, squirrels, etc. can be kept out by using pvc pipes to build a frame around the units and place shade cloth over it.

Can't get much more of an endorsement than this Gal:clap::clap:
I bought some new shelving units that are metal, and will sit on the patio.

No deer around here, but lots of squirrels. I've fed them all winter, so I've probably created a problem for myself! Would seem cruel to pull out a shotgun now...

The weather of July/Aug. 2010 was toxic here.
Will be using basement for more control.

Belgium made?
I always keep my phrags outdoors in summer. I used to give them a spot where they would have direct morning sun, then dappled shade for the rest of the day. The tornado took out the shade, so I'll be creative in my placement this season.
I think your location is excellent. It is the side of the house I keep mine on also. I put them on the porch on metal and plastic shelves. I am close to trees and it tends to keep the humidity high so I am watchful of how much watering I need to do (tends to be less than in the house). Your plants will do very well and will be much healthier for the winter. I saw a marked improvement in mine when I started doing it.

I do understand squirrels are great tag thieves. Can't remember if they chew up plants or not. But I'd mark my pots with something that can id your plants in the event 'someone' else needed those markers.
I put all my orchids out including phrags.Gives me a chance to clean & disinfect greenhouse as well as preventing them from frying in the summer as greenhouse would be really hard to keep cool.
Now Eric...of course you say NO! Memphis vs NYC...?! DUH!
You never watch that show "COPS" evidently. There's a reason they don't shoot in NYC, too boring, plus I live in a great neighbourhood, #4 highest mean property value in the country! I just have too many plants to reasonably do that. :wink:
Orchids love being outdoors for the summer. I was very happy with the results when I did it last year- gobs of new growth, increased roots, and many bloomed for the first time for me:) I hung a couple dozen orchids from oak and hickory trees that provided shade. Catts and Vandas had front row with full morning sun.
You never watch that show "COPS" evidently. There's a reason they don't shoot in NYC, too boring, plus I live in a great neighbourhood, #4 highest mean property value in the country! I just have too many plants to reasonably do that. :wink:

:poke: We used to live in one of the "wealthiest counties" in the US... Fairfax, VA. But we lived in the crappiest part (near the end of the Metro's orange line). :)
Bullsie, I use a label maker to create tags and attach them directly to the pots. Occasionally they do fall off, but I have plenty of warning before they do! But thanks for the warning...I didn't know squirrels liked to play cards!

LI Jane, good idea about cleaning and disinfecting while the 'chids are out to play!

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