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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Saratoga Region, New York
(Lc Precious Stones x C. schillerana) X Soph brevipedunculata I have it on a stick mount in high light. I can't seem to get the color correct. It is a magenta shade and all I can get is red. I color corrected a bit but it is still not the correct shade. The flower is 2" x 2" P-bulb 1.5" tall leaf about 2"

I can't seem to get the color correct. It is a magenta shade and all I can get is red. I color corrected a bit but it is still not the correct shade.

Believe it or not, to make it less red and more magenta, you have to add cyan. If you are using Photoshop, Go to Image>Adjust>Color Balance, and move the Cyan slider to the left to about -24.

Pretty flower.
Dot I have Photoshop Album and Microsoft picture manager. I WISH I had a copy of Photoshop. Im Microsoft pic editor I did some color correction. This is how it looked before I did some correction

You are on the right track. I'm not familiar with Microsoft so I don't know how their color correction works. I don't think Photoshop Album has much editing capability. There is a much cheaper version of Photoshop called Photoshop Elements:
or if you have a Macintosh:
I think the main difference between the two is that elements doesn't have the CMYK capabilities, necessary for print publishing.