2011 Paph Forum-Wash DC Pics

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Hi folks! I haven't been around in a while but I did attend the annual Paph Forum in Washington DC yesterday. This is one of my favorite events that is normally held at the National Arboretum. The building that usually houses the event is being renovated so the National Capital Orchid Society found another site - Behnke's Nursery located in Beltsville, MD, a short drive from the beltway. (I conduct business in this area and visit this nursery/garden center frequently! It is a great place!)

You can count on having a great speaker program at the Paph Forum and this year's didn't disappoint! I especially enjoyed the presentation by Dr. Norito Hasegawa on the Parvifoliums and others.

Stig Dalstrom updated the group on the status of the wild Kovachiis (they're coming back!) and some other new phrag species! He began with great photos of his success with cultivated cyps in Florida! This is the first I had heard Mr. Dalstrom speak and he is an excellent speaker!

The vendor area was a popular place! Marriott, Woodstream, Pinecrest, Floradise, Orchid Enterprise, Paphanatics and the other usual suspects were there. I missed seeing Joe from Bloomfield Orchids this time.

My intention was to NOT buy any plants because I have everything I need....you know the rest of the story...I left with a full box of plants and a wounded VISA card...

As usual, the event was run like a well-oiled machine by the NCOS volunteers. Congrats to the NCOS and Bill and Lynne Goldner for another fine event! Looking forward to next year already!

Here is a link to some of the pics I snapped here and there. I hope I have these in the correct category!



Nice job on getting a mix of people and plants, especially the Paphs with name tags for future shopping.
I enjoyed your photos a lot, thanks for sharing !!!! There must have been a great ' slipper' atmosphere over there, and I can understand about possibly damaged payment cards :):)!!! Jean
H.P was not in attendance. Serveral other regulars, including Bloomfield, were not there either. I think the NCOS site still has a list of vendors.

Vendors that I knew included Dr. Hasegawa, Glen Decker, Nancy Montford, Parkside, Marriott, Orchid Enterprise, Floradise and Woodstream. There were one or two other plant vendors that I wasn't familiar with.

Apparently the NCOS is also going to hold their annual auction at the same garden center this Spring.

