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Hopefully you all of you missed me a little bit.But I WAS staying in hosptial for now more the 6 weeks because a herniated disc inthr neck. I still have lots of pain, but at least I can sit know on on the comp for communication.
Thr only,thimg, <I a afraid of ,,that aafter a short period of time there weil be a operation necessery. THat would the number 6 withi 13 years. Lets pray,it will not be necesserary.
MY plants survived qiute okay. <I n the HOSPITIAL A WAS A CAN GO IN AND OUT WENEVER i WANT; BECAuse im am there be´cecause of ma depresseion as a psychiatry patient.
So j hope I have written soemthing abot me what had happend and IOm hope to fulfill all my promisses i did in earlier times. Pictures of new arrivaals list of all the plants I AM GRWING AND JUST TO TAKE PART IN THE DAILy life if the Forum
Helle from Germany

In the meantime I also have reverse osmose system. Can you give me some advive in often you are changing the whole water and how often do you fertilize. As you know I have mosstly Phrags(List update will follow soon) and Paphs. I am very thankful for eyery hint you can give to me.
Thanks a lo t
Hello from gERMAY
Sorry to hear about the health issues. Orchids can be a nice escape from reality. What type of fertilizer are you using with your R.O? I'm not understanding what you mean by changing the whole water. Do you mean the R.O. membrane?
Hopefully you all of you missed me a little bit.But I WAS staying in hosptial for now more the 6 weeks because a herniated disc inthr neck. I still have lots of pain, but at least I can sit know on on the comp for communication.
Thr only,thimg, <I a afraid of ,,that aafter a short period of time there weil be a operation necessery. THat would the number 6 withi 13 years. Lets pray,it will not be necesserary.
MY plants survived qiute okay. <I n the HOSPITIAL A WAS A CAN GO IN AND OUT WENEVER i WANT; BECAuse im am there be´cecause of ma depresseion as a psychiatry patient.
So j hope I have written soemthing abot me what had happend and IOm hope to fulfill all my promisses i did in earlier times. Pictures of new arrivaals list of all the plants I AM GRWING AND JUST TO TAKE PART IN THE DAILy life if the Forum
Helle from Germany
I heard that goji berry make you feel happy all day.
and fish oil also help depression..

Right know I use a common orchid frtilizer with every watrering. bUT iM AM AFRAID; THATWILL CUMMULAT; SO MY IDEA; RINSE THE POT TIME by time and than fill it up with R/O Water. Is this correct
Thanks for everey hint
Welcome back, Nikolaus. I hope you heal quickly and completely.
Are you growing your orchids semi-hydroponically? That's the only reason I can think of as to why you want to fill up the pots with water, rather than letting the water drain through the pots.