Yellow Clivia

  • Thread starter Eric Muehlbauer
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Eric Muehlbauer

My yellow clivia just bloomed by surprise this regular clivia finished blooming over a month ago....looks a little bleached because the sun was on it....had to take it late in the day after work....Take care, Eric
I'm in clivia heaven this year. My orange is finishing its second bloom. My yellow clivia has two bloom spikes and has put out two pups this year. If I could only figure out what has made them so happy!
When you love plants it is very difficult to find a plant you do not like. I am growing orchids, Clivia and some indigeneous bulbs. The bulbs we have in SA is just stunning e.g.

Gadiolus tristis

or Glad. alatus

I also have a yellow Clivia in bloom but not worth posting, but here is a very nice interspecific from Cassie Carstens

If your opinion is that I post too many other stuff just remove it

Eric: How do you ensure that no pot falls over the balcony...??????
I can't....they stay there through the worst storms....and one squirrel can send them all crashing. The cactus are haevy and stay put, as do the largest of the paphs....the smaller ones, well, I have to pick up a few every week or two. Take care, Eric