Why can't I grow Phal?

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2008
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I can't grow paph and dendro and do really well with it. As matter of fact, my greenhouses're going offset every 3-4 years. But, when It come to phal, I can't keep one alive (Well, I lie maybe 2) for more than 2 yrs. Either, I grow them with my paph or dendro, it doesn't make any diff .... Called me whatever you want to, but I give up.
You might have success with mounted plants. Whats your trouble? Is it rotting roots, too dry, no blooms???? Let us know so we know what advice to give.
I couldn't grow phals either, they died a slow death with me, never rebloomed & became mealy bug magnets.
Went to clay pots, some are in loosely packed sphagnum, a couple are course bark. I was under the impression, due to their thick succulent leaves & roots they should dry out in between waterings. I've switched to keeping them more on the evenly moist side & they've done great! I do have them shaded but consider my GH to be intermediate temps in the winter, so far so good!
You might have success with mounted plants. Whats your trouble? Is it rotting roots, too dry, no blooms???? Let us know so we know what advice to give.
Slow death, that is what it is. No rotting roots, but bottom leave drops off one at a time. At the end, new offset will shoot out, when the offset large enough, the bottom leave dropps off again. I was thinking it has somthing to do with temperature rappidly increase/decrease causing the leave drop. If that is the case, then how come it doesn't happen to paph/dendro/vanda etc. I thought paph is more sensity than phal !!! I will try to grow it potless, I will hang them like vanda
BD - you're not telling us how you've been attempting to grow it - potting media, water, fertilizer, etc.
Slow death, that is what it is. No rotting roots, but bottom leave drops off one at a time. At the end, new offset will shoot out, when the offset large enough, the bottom leave dropps off again. Thanks,
yellowing? wrinkling? That's what mine were doing, I attribute to underwatering.
Did you check for bugs?

"I was thinking it has somthing to do with temperature rappidly increase/decrease causing the leave drop."
With those thick succulent leaves, they should handle temp ranges unless they're in a drafty area.
"If that is the case, then how come it doesn't happen to paph/dendro/vanda etc. I thought paph is more sensity than phal !!!"
Phals are not paph/dendro/vanda. Paphs are pretty tough but there's no way I'd begin to compare to dends or vandas. If you're growing them like that then you're not giving your paphs enough credit!
"I will try to grow it potless, I will hang them like vanda"
sounds good to me, certainly can't overwater!
Lowes by me has a pile of Phals on the dicount rack.
Some $2, some $4. I'll be going by there Thurs. and Friday.
Let me know if you want some cheap guinea pigs.
The leaves are more than fine, but the flowers are spent. I bought these last year, and gave away as they bloomed.
They are making room for the X-mas trees.
Lowes by me has a pile of Phals on the dicount rack.
Some $2, some $4. I'll be going by there Thurs. and Friday.
Let me know if you want some cheap guinea pigs.
The leaves are more than fine, but the flowers are spent. I bought these last year, and gave away as they bloomed.
They are making room for the X-mas trees.
I will try that 75% off from Lowes, This is the last chance for phal, I will get about 5 so I can try diff method
BD your plants will NOT respond favorably to being grown without media like vandaceous.. use loosly packed sphagnum moss, keep evenly moist and on the bright side of dark
I'll take a look but how much water is going to the roots?

Nothing wrong with roots system, It has alot of roots, It climbs out the pot, my problem is the leave system, It can't stay on.... after it dropped all leaf, then it will re grow, it seems have a clock on the plant, when it get to certain age, leave has to go ....why, why, why ..... ... therefore, I can't keep my plant mature enough to bloom. I will take some pics later on. It is more clear that way
BD, are the leaves just falling off, or rotting off? What do the leaves look like when they drop? Are they dry or mushy where the leaf joins the plant stem?
like dot says, there may be something else causing leaf drop, especially if your roots are great; you could have some kind of disease that is hanging around, and when conditions get to be the worst point, it attacks with a vengeance. I've had a few phals that had leaf loss because I was watering with a mist wand (mounted plants) and they would get red and die back. I have fans, but there must be something that was attacking the top of the plant. one thing is that if you are getting all your phals from box stores, they are being sold from an environment where you have tons of plants from all different places and that's sort of like 'going to the hospital' for a human; there are lots of chances to get all sorts of bugs and diseases that you wouldn't normally be exposed to

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