What is wallisii now?

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Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Mid Michigan
I'm too lazy to figure this out myself, but I have some coming into bloom so I figure I might as well label them 'properly'. Or at least put both contenders on the tags. :)
smartie2000 said:
I would leave the tags alone for wallisii to avoid confusion....
It is officially Phrag warscewiczianum

Thanks for the info Smartie. Are you 100% sure about that? Phrag. wallisii and warscewiczianum look entirely different.

e-spice said:
Thanks for the info Smartie. Are you 100% sure about that? Phrag. wallisii and warscewiczianum look entirely different.

According to Braem, the drawing that the description of P. warscewasahlkjsdfsjhianum is based off of actually depicts P. wallisii. Thus, wallisii changes names. Furthermore, there is no official description of the plants that were known as P. warscewiczianum, so he officially described them as P. popowii. Someone correct me if that's wrong.
kentuckiense said:
According to Braem, the drawing that the description of P. warscewasahlkjsdfsjhianum is based off of actually depicts P. wallisii. Thus, wallisii changes names. Furthermore, there is no official description of the plants that were known as P. warscewiczianum, so he officially described them as P. popowii. Someone correct me if that's wrong.

That sounds basically correct, although whether we all accept the new terminology is up to conjecture. The old usage has been in effect for quite a long time, and this just adds to the confusion. Only time will tell! Phrag.
warscewiczianum was also previously considered a variety of Phrag caudatum, hence dark colored Phrag Grande's. At this point Kew has accepted the change and the registration continuity is in shambles.
smartie2000 said:
I can't pronounce phrag war.....
So I'm just going to call my plants Phrag wallisii and Phrag popowii

We had a long thread on this years ago on the AOS forum. My understanding warscewiczianum is pronounced War-saw-witz-E-an-um (the first two syllables sound just like the capital of Poland)