wardii time!

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Jason Fischer

Aug 26, 2006
Reaction score
What better thing is there to do on turkey day than eat turkey? Take the family on a greenhouse tour! Of course, I'm off on my own taking pics during that time :).

The wardii are starting up nicely! Not a very clear pic, but you get the picture.

WOW! Much better than mine! :)

(also like that Paph. venustum fma. measuresianum!)


EDIT: I dunno how I could have put wardii in place for venustum... :confused:
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nice and my favorite is what I believe to be the venustum var maesurianum in the back ! :D
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Sangii said:
nice and my faorite is what I believe to be the venustum var maesurianum in the back ! :D

That's what I meant... :rollhappy:
It's actually Paphiopedilum venustum fma. measuresianum though... :)

Mahon said:
That's what I meant... :rollhappy:
It's actually Paphiopedilum venustum fma. measuresianum though... :)

oups sorry for the mispelling, I usually call it venustum alba which makes it a lot more simple even though it is not actually alba !
Well I'm not really a Paph person but seeing them all together like that makes me want to grow more. I really love that venustum thingie. It's got the martian attack look. Nice picture, send more.