Trying again NYEric's Phrags.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
New York City Apartment
besseae flavum
Will Chantry
Robert Palm (flavum)
Hanne Popow
Barbara LeAnn
Frosted Velvet
Jason Fischer
Havre des Pas
Randy Macdonald
Don Wimber
Holy Smoke
Waunekee Sunset
Petit Port
Rachel Kirk
Elizabeth Castle
Sunset Glow
Andean Fire (flavum)
Rosy Charm
Sherman's March
Scarlett O'hara
Acker's Superstar
Autumn Fire
Hot Shot
St. Ouen
St. Ouen (flavum)
Atsuko Fischer
Beverly Fishcer
Ryoko Urabe
Un-named hybrids:
Memoria Dick Clemens x Sunset Glow
Jason Fischer x Memoria Dick Clemens
Saint's Apprentice x Barbara LeAnn
Rosy Charm x Barbara LeAnn
Magdelene Rose x Barbara LeAnn
Memoria Dick Clemens x Waunakee Sunset
Twilight x besseae
Eric Young x Waunakee Sunset
Twilight x Waunakee Sunset
Saint's Apprentice x Hanne Popow
Memoria Dick Clemens x Jersey
St. Ouen x kovachii
Cape Sunset x kovachii
#9988 (?)
#9990 (?)
I would be lying if I said I didnt have more than one of some of these plants listd.
I am still looking for a division of (St. Ouen 'Peachy Keen' x besseae 'Sweet Apricot') and more besseaes and Hanne Popows.
By the way, I grow my Phrags in plastic trays with R.O. or distilled water flowing thru the bottoms of the plastic pots. Natural light only, so far. It will be very interesting when I have to change the growing medium but by checking the roots I can then adjust the mediums for each plant. I use coconut chips, diatomite, aliflor [baked clay beads], sphagnum, and horticultural charcoal in various mixes. I have a lot of Paphs. but I'm embaressed to say that thetags have gotten mixed up on many so I cant ID them. Maybe I'll have a match the photo to the tag thread, when I can post some. E.
Thanx again. Last night while I was fertilizing I decided to check some lables and found I had a couple that arent listed; now I have to update my list. Yargh!
Thanx. Not that big, just covered in plants..[the apartment that is]. Once in a while I trip over a Paph w 20+" leafspan or get caught in a Pleuro while watering. I will send some photos when I get another digital camera. I have photos on my razr but I am having difficulties installing the softwear to download them. I am wrecking my floors w/ water but you can always have them redone. Maybe concrete or tile in the growing area!!! E.
New stuff..

Hi. I got a package last night w/ some Phrags. The sellor was in Wisconsin and all the plants have Ackers tags in them. I didn't know Ackers sold individual plants. The additions are [I'm trying to do this from memory, good luck]:
Lynn Evans Gouldner
Magdelene Rose x schlimii
Demetria x Barbara LeAnn
Twilight x Barbara LeAnn
Twilight x fischeri
Twilight x schlimii
(Waunakee Sunset x fischeri?)
and a couple more, I'll check when I get home.
OK this is the real list of the new plants. I don't know what I was smoking trying to do it from memory. I lost that just before my mind went.
Lynn Evans Gouldner
Kelly Nash
Twilight 4n x fischeri
Magdelene Rose x schlimii
Waunakee Sunset x schlimii
Demetria x Barbara LeAnn
Rosy Charm x Twilight 4n

I also started repotting my Paphs [in a mix w/ diatomite];
Henrietta Hasegawa
Angel Hair x phillipinense
.. so far. I have about 15 more. I will post as I repot. E.

I noticed you have Phrag. Jason Fischer x Mem. Dick Clements listed as one of you plants. We made this cross as well (I don't know if you got the plant from us), but we registered the cross and it is named Phrag. Robert C Silich. I will post a dfferent thread so you can see what it looks like.

Thanx Gideon, and duly noted Heather. But the problem is that sometimes hybrids get registered and I cant keep up. My girlfriend is coming to visit from Germany. She was working on an Ostrich farm in South Africa. I wish she could have brought me some Disas. I'm going to post my Paphs [also not up to date w/ names] on a separate thread. E.