Trip to Bonsai West

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Jun 6, 2006
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Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure
So, I live about 10 minutes from this really cool place that specializes in Bonsai. Most of the trees there are for sale. I don't know much about Bonsai, but I like to go and walk around. Today I took the camera with me so I could share the garden with all of you! :)

I love the trunks on these first few. They were just starting to bloom. None of them were labeled though, so I'm not sure what they are.



I love the ones with multiple trees - they are like little miniature forests.





I loved these three together.

More in the next post...
Beautiful photos thanks for sharing. I wish there was a place like this around here. In Canada barely anyone does bonsai

My first bonsai styling attempt was actually a forest planting of ficus. I dumped it now to make room for orchids. I would rather have a forest planting of hardy trees for outside.

The twisted trunks aren't the conventional bonsai but they look very interesting. I think it is acceptable in chinese practice, but not for the japanese. They were very popular a while back.

I like the maples there:) I'll be wanting to get one for an outside bonsai
I think the twisted trunks on the Pyrcantha(?) are actually roots that are exposed. They have used them to become the trunk of the bonsai. I don't think they were "twisted" by the maker as in the Chinese style you refer to.
those are all beauties...I too love the grove of trees. Nice place to have close by :clap:

I am surprised that, in Canada, they are popular. The Montreal Botanical Gardens have a nice bonsai collection.
Ron-NY said:
those are all beauties...I too love the grove of trees. Nice place to have close by :clap:

I am surprised that, in Canada, they are popular. The Montreal Botanical Gardens have a nice bonsai collection.
Thank for mentioning it, I try to remember where did I see a very nice collection. I just realized that I saw it in Canada when I went visit my parents.

Heather, thanks, the photos really make you forget about all of the stress of the modern world.