Table top winners

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Madd Virologist
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
Pearland TX
This is the first for me or if it occured before I don't remember! At this month's meeting I got the "best" hybrid and species.

Paph David Ott

Paph haynaldianum

(These photos were taken by Malcolm McCorquodale and are Copyright 2010 by Malcolm McCorquodale, Houston Texas.)

Our guest speaker was Tom Mirenda. He was very good but long winded!

:clap::clap:WTG!!! Some may think it's an easier feat at a club meeting but there can be some awesome plants that are grown by some terrific members!
We had Tom as a presenter this year, was the topic pollinators? Very interesting, entertaining too!
Both are stunning. I like the photo of the David Ott but that purple background doesn't do much for the haynaldianum.

Given the quality of your plants it seems amazing you have never won before. Either the competition is very tough or there is no interest in Paphs.

:clap::clap:WTG!!! Some may think it's an easier feat at a club meeting but there can be some awesome plants that are grown by some terrific members!
We had Tom as a presenter this year, was the topic pollinators? Very interesting, entertaining too!
Rose, that indeed was the topic!
Both are stunning. I like the photo of the David Ott but that purple background doesn't do much for the haynaldianum.

Given the quality of your plants it seems amazing you have never won before. Either the competition is very tough or there is no interest in Paphs.


David, As mentioned in a post about our show back in April, I've been growing and displaying Paphs in shows since I started in orchids, Christmas 1986! Never have I won best slipper flower nor best grown in a show! Politics:( I believe I'm in the lead again this year for bringing the most plants to monthly meetings, if so, that will be five years in a row. The HOS boast a round 200 members but rarely do half show for meetings.
Awesome! You've done well! :clap:

Both are stunning. I like the photo of the David Ott but that purple background doesn't do much for the haynaldianum.

The white door background doesn't do much for Tom either. :p :poke: ;)