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Jun 6, 2006
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Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure
I am quite accustomed to finding a few dead springtails in my humidity trays when I go to clean and check all the plants. However, lately I have noticed that a few of my plants seem to have many of these guys co-habitating with them in the deep recesses of my pots. When I water, they all come to the surface and start climbing up the plants to get out of the water. Then they crawl back down under the surface. They are not in all of my plants just certain ones.

Should I be concerned about what they are doing down amongst the roots of my plants? If so, how do I destroy them?

I grow exclusively in Prime Agra, btw.
from what i've heard, springtails are harmless and only eat decaying stuff. but then again, i could be wrong....
likespaphs said:
from what i've heard, springtails are harmless and only eat decaying stuff. but then again, i could be wrong....

What? Noo...you're the expert!

I am reading the same thing though. Still, the numbers of them in one of my plants last week was alarming. Too bad Cyfluthrin is so pricey. www.bugspray.com is kind of an interesting place to read about bugs.

I wish someone should start an insecticide shop for the hobbyist, selling smaller amounts of these expensive things!
Heather said:
...Too bad Cyfluthrin is so pricey. ....

the hell with it being expensive, it's pretty darn toxic, well, moderately toxic to mammals, but significantly more toxic than anything i use...
Heather said:
...I wish someone should start an insecticide shop for the hobbyist, selling smaller amounts of these expensive things!

i've thought about the same thing but for the small greenhouse grower...
everyone needs dart frogs!!!!! i am culturing 5 different species of springtails!!! heather save them for me:poke:
nyorchids said:
everyone needs dart frogs!!!!! i am culturing 5 different species of springtails!!! heather save them for me:poke:

How do you know you have different species? Use a microscope to ID them?
I've heard the nepenthes like them too - true? I guess it would have to be lower pitchers.....

I douse a lot of things with diluted OrangePlus concentrate (it's a household cleaner), then flush with clean water not too long after. Think that would work on them and be safe for the plants?
Soap and water. Water first. Soap'im. Sit 20mins. Leach a little. Use dish detergent, the gentle kind. May need to do a fallow-up couple weeks latter.