Phrag Ruth Morrow

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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One of my favorite Phrag hybrids!

This is pretty typical for the flowers of the individuals in my collection that I also got from Bill. The slightly droopy dorsal is showing up in a lot of them. The size of the plants is somewhat variable, but overall on the compact side. Even the "large" ones aren't particularly big by Phrag hybrid standards. Hard to tell if the small ones will stay small or if they're just slower to mature, as some of the first that I had to bloom have certainly developed larger growths down the road as they matured.

I've got one now that's just starting to show its branching capabilities for the first time (it's bloomed at least twice before without branching).

So far, the best one I've seen was a display plant that Bill brought to a show. It was a very compact plant with large flowers, really deep color, and excellent shape. Supposedly he's going to sell me a division in a few years when it's large enough to divide, so fingers crossed!
One of my favorite Phrag hybrids!

This is pretty typical for the flowers of the individuals in my collection that I also got from Bill. The slightly droopy dorsal is showing up in a lot of them. The size of the plants is somewhat variable, but overall on the compact side. Even the "large" ones aren't particularly big by Phrag hybrid standards. Hard to tell if the small ones will stay small or if they're just slower to mature, as some of the first that I had to bloom have certainly developed larger growths down the road as they matured.

I've got one now that's just starting to show its branching capabilities for the first time (it's bloomed at least twice before without branching).

So far, the best one I've seen was a display plant that Bill brought to a show. It was a very compact plant with large flowers, really deep color, and excellent shape. Supposedly he's going to sell me a division in a few years when it's large enough to divide, so fingers crossed!
Thanx for that…. Feel free to post comparative photos here if the spirit moves….
I forget if there are a flasks’ worth of these hiding or if I just bought a few seedlings…. Maybe I’ll extend this post as sibs show up….

The leaf habit on this one is way more grasslike than MDC. And definitely a smaller footprint.
Thanx for that…. Feel free to post comparative photos here if the spirit moves….
I forget if there are a flasks’ worth of these hiding or if I just bought a few seedlings…. Maybe I’ll extend this post as sibs show up….

The leaf habit on this one is way more grasslike than MDC. And definitely a smaller footprint.

Hope you don't mind, but I posted my own separate thread, and linked back to this one. My discussion is at