phrag. roots revealed, more to come.

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Hey everyone, I don't really have any questions per se but I wanted to update on the Phrag. MDC I'm unpotting.

I kept finding Millipedes in his pot, and to move it to my main setup I wanted to make sure nothing else was lurking in the bark. I know millipedes aren't really damaging to the plant directly, but if something crawls out of the pot, I might end up dropping the plant :eek: I don't like bugs where I frequently visit, or touch.

I noticed that there was a very tiny snail, and some rotten roots coming out with the bark. All the healthy roots were not in the middle of the pot, but clinging on the sides. As a beginner I suspect some of these possibilities: bark was getting old, bark isn't coarse enough for aeration, or plant didn't like the bark for some reason. If you might know why, you may inform me if you wish. :) I haven't had him for more than a week, so I bet those roots were long gone before coming home. The roots sitting in .5 cm of water were happy and green tipped, but the ones at the top are dark tipped.

Since the roots are clinging to the pot, I'll just remove all the old bark and bad roots as much as I can. I'll leave him in the pot, and add in some coarse bark (more coarse than previous bark, but not truly coarse), coarse perlite, leca, and some moss at the top. *I have coarse bark, but I broke them into smaller pieces. Since he doesn't seem to mind being damp, I'll water every 2-3 days? I'm not sure how retentive the new mix will be, or what he will appreciate.

I will add on to this post when I unpot Fritz the 2nd.

Old bark media, The mix is wet because I use a spray bottle to remove bark chips.
Millipides eat soft vegetative tissue, just like snails

Well, another good reason to repot! Thanks! I keep hearing that millipedes and centipedes do not harm plants. Either way, I don't want any bugs around my plants. I see at least 1, and sometimes 4 in each pot when unpotting the plants. My darwinara had 3 earwigs, and those about gave me a heart attack when I was holding the pot. I drowned them though.
Centipedes, at least the california centipedes, that I know eat bugs, fungus gnats slugs millipedes etc...
I wonder if the millipedes have been eating the sides of plant. :/ it almost looks like it has bite marks. There's even a little brown area on the new growth's tip. I don't think it'll impact the growth though, at least I hope not. It's so small that you can't really tell in photos.
Whenever I repot I always douse the roots with peroxide before repotting that usually gets rid of any critters
Getting rid of the snails is the best thing you can do for your plants.
^This, so very, very much. Had a slug accompanying my new Dendrobium. It had caused some damage to the leaves, roots and eaten a hole trough the newest bulb, which I had to remove. I think the Den got away lightly actually.
I'll try to add photos of Fritz the 2nd. He had more root damage than MDC. He also had 2 earwigs and 3 millipedes. I put him in a clear pot since I got him out of the old pot. I think the pot isn't tell enough for him though. :(
I'm feeling dizzy right now but I'll be back on when I feel better.
Thanks, I'll try to feel better. :)
Here we go, pics of the roots, and how high up he is... Am I going to have to repot him in his original pot? I couldn't push him down further without worrying about breaking the roots. There's a "stake" there to keep him from wobbling; he doesn't wobble that much though. I would like to use this pot since it's clear and slotted.

I must be horrible at repotting :sob: The oldest growth touches the media, but the newest does not. :eek: You might have to look closely, but that growth is way up there...
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Welcome to the wonderful world of besseae hybrids! :eek: Most have stolonous growth and they grow out of their pots. Try to put both in the pot or put some sphagnum moss around the bottom of the upper growth. :)
I have the same issue with my Green Hornet. It loves to get its newest growths above the surface of the substrate. I, however, am not a gentle Phrag owner. I repotted it yesterday and practically jumped up and down on the plant to get the two new growths down into the pot and below that surface of the substrate. I honestly think it'll abort both spikes and I wouldn't be surprised if it loses a growth too. I was that harsh with it.

Welcome to the wonderful world of besseae hybrids! :eek: Most have stolonous growth and they grow out of their pots. Try to put both in the pot or put some sphagnum moss around the bottom of the upper growth. :)
Or grow it in a shallow tray as John M does with his besseae. Seems to work very well.

I'm going to get a tray for my Green Hornet so I won't have to abuse it anymore or make continuous baby Green Hornets.
Thanks! I'll have to check that out. For now I'll add some sphag to the bottom of the upper growth. :eek: I'm too afraid to push it further down... I already had a bad accident with Fritz The First.

Fritz The 1st's base is starting to turn brown. Is that okay?
Thanks! I'll have to check that out. For now I'll add some sphag to the bottom of the upper growth. :eek: I'm too afraid to push it further down... I already had a bad accident with Fritz The First.

Fritz The 1st's base is starting to turn brown. Is that okay?
I think it was just the lighting, or just a brown spot. He doesn't seem to be growing or declining either, (I don't expect him to. just an observation.)

I've run into a possible bad run with mostly all my slippers though :sob:
I believe that most of them are moldy.. ( exceptions might be caudatum & MW.) The ones with bark in the mix are worse.
I'm going to see if it gets better by leaving the area more open, and less humid. If it doesn't get better, I might need help. I believe my mistake was leaving the growing area too humid without adding another fan possibly. I think I might be able to keep it under control though; my first NoID phal's gray mold disappeared when I placed a fan by him..

I'm just not having a good week. *bangs head repeatedly against wall*