Paph rungsuriyanum avail online

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Apparently, some folks are not familliar with the vicious travesty perpetrated upon George Norris? Morris? a few decades ago. Someone falsely reported him for illegally importing some newly discovered Paphs/Phrags. USFW swat team raided the elderly and infirmed couple's home, despite having NO evidence at all of any endangered newly-discovered species being imported illegally. He and his supplier from a nursery in South America were arrested. He lost EVERYTHING, including his house, trying to defend himself. The South American vendor managed to flee the USA, before the trumped-up kangaroo court trial.
The officials, who self-righteeously "protected" the non-existent endangered species, typically destroy any genuinely protected species that they DO find, as soon as they finish documenting the species in preparation for the trial. At least, that didn't happen in this case, since there were NEVER any illegally imported protected species plants found..
Bureaucracy at its finest, or, more accurately, at it its worst.
Why is he defending himself for money if nothing illegal was found? 🤔 The story sounds a bit strange to me.
Since most of the current discussion regarding this came from my original post I feel I must chime in: I didn't mean to create this firestorm :oops: In my original post, I just mentioned in response to something posted earlier on this forum, that on the FB group Paphiopedilum someone posted a photo of rungsuriyanum and (later, when I asked where from because I'd seen chatter here) said she'd bought the plant online. I've asked if she is in the US, but she's not responded. I was just curious because I knew they were on the table at Redlands (a friend who knew about these saw them there and mentioned it), so I thought that meant they were here legally. Not condoning anything, it's just that CITES is a regulation I know little about. I don't order plants form outside the country and only deal with reputable vendors here, so it doesn't apply to me. I did read about the kovachii situation because it was somewhat local, but that was an initial import, not an obviously long time later when the species and hybrids are apparently everywhere. I have found this discussion very educational, however, so a good thing. Most things on this forum are educational for someone of my experience, which is why I value it so much!
If anyone is interested and/or just curious/nosey( like I am), there’s a nursery on eBay selling rungsurianum on there I believe from Thailand, offering international sales. Also saying they have CITES and Phyto for them too.

If anyone is interested and/or just curious/nosey( like I am), there’s a nursery on eBay selling rungsurianum on there I believe from Thailand, offering international sales. Also saying they have CITES and Phyto for them too.

By the way, not saying this so everyone can go and buy them out. Just telling people that this issue is presenting everywhere and more often than we even realize out in the open. Very sad for these wonderful species being yanked from their habitats 🙁🙁