Paph delenatii alba and relatives

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
I have four delenatii's flowering at the exact time.

This is a first flowering seedling Paph delenatii alba from Sam Tsui's breeding. I just got this off Brad a few weeks ago, so I can't really take credit for it. A big flower for such a small plant.



Another first flowering seedling of Taiwanese breeding. I have grown this from flask. This has a nice dark lip.



This is another first flowering delenatii for me. I bought this off Adelaide Orchids more than 12 years ago (maybe even 15). It is a terrible grower that has done poorly. I was astonished when I saw a flower spike as I had given up on it. I think this one may be a descendant of those really poor growing original delenatii's. Whatever, it wasn't worth the wait. The flower is small, poor shape and bland colour.



My reliable delenatii ('Cherry Bomb' x 'Dark' ) that flowers every year.


They all look wonderful to me, but of course, that is because of your skills at photography. Delenatiis are photogen, too.
Healthy looking plants!
They are all very nice I do love this species I use to have the normal one never got to reflower it as it passed away whisk I was aboard.

the albla is a stunner hopeing will bloom at some point soon, maybe next year.
Great clear photos!!

I love the leaves, especially the ones on the third plant in the first thread, the one on the right in the group shot.
Love the "group photo"!

Of the individual flowers I especially take a fancy to the album and your 'reliable' one!

All the plants seem to thrive - what lovely leaves and growths!

Kind regards, Jens

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