Mr Weigner emailed me the following, and asked that I pass it along to anyone who might be able to help, so....
My name is Jim Weigner, of the same "Weigner" as Paph. Eva Weigner.
Charles Weigner, who originated the cross, was my cousin, and Eva was
his mother, my Aunt. Both are now deceased. I became fascinated by
orchids when I stayed at his place (The Orchid Loft) while he was on
collecting trips in the 1970's. In recent years I have been keeping
orchids myself, and have been searching for plants that are divisions
of my cousin's original registered crosses or crosses with his 'orchid
loft' clonal. Last year I was finally able to obtain two divisions of
Paph. Eva Weigner that were direct divisions from his original cross.
My question to you is do you have any plants in your collection that
originated from the Orchid Loft? If so, I would be very interested in
obtaining specimens. If you know of anyone who might have such plants
I would appreciate you forwarding this information. I am attaching a
letter I wrote in 2003 when I first began this search, feel free to
forward this to whomever you think might help. I am also thinking of
trying the Eva Weigner cross myself, so my next question is what do
you have available in Paph. stonei and Paph. Haynaldianum? I am also
trying to locate a specimen of the orchid that he started that was
registered after his death, Cat. Memoria Charles Weigner. I may have
sent you this a few years ago, sorry if I am repeating myself, as I
loose track sometimes who I contacted. Thanks for any assistance,
James Weigner
> > [email protected]
My name is Jim Weigner, of the same "Weigner" as Paph. Eva Weigner.
Charles Weigner, who originated the cross, was my cousin, and Eva was
his mother, my Aunt. Both are now deceased. I became fascinated by
orchids when I stayed at his place (The Orchid Loft) while he was on
collecting trips in the 1970's. In recent years I have been keeping
orchids myself, and have been searching for plants that are divisions
of my cousin's original registered crosses or crosses with his 'orchid
loft' clonal. Last year I was finally able to obtain two divisions of
Paph. Eva Weigner that were direct divisions from his original cross.
My question to you is do you have any plants in your collection that
originated from the Orchid Loft? If so, I would be very interested in
obtaining specimens. If you know of anyone who might have such plants
I would appreciate you forwarding this information. I am attaching a
letter I wrote in 2003 when I first began this search, feel free to
forward this to whomever you think might help. I am also thinking of
trying the Eva Weigner cross myself, so my next question is what do
you have available in Paph. stonei and Paph. Haynaldianum? I am also
trying to locate a specimen of the orchid that he started that was
registered after his death, Cat. Memoria Charles Weigner. I may have
sent you this a few years ago, sorry if I am repeating myself, as I
loose track sometimes who I contacted. Thanks for any assistance,
James Weigner
> > [email protected]